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Ken Hill
11-22-2011, 9:07 AM
Wouldnt call it a bowl, was intending for it to keep small items in etc. 1st one ive done (lidded)...learned abit and will incorperate that into the ones that are now ready for me to work on. I only made 1 lid but have 6 or 8 of the actual box/bowl/dish ready to finish out. Kind of stuck myself in a corner because I do not have any Hickory dried for the lids LOL. Finish is AO with a buff but no wax yet....i'm really liking the rustic feel and look so may not go fancy one bit.

Its around 6x2.5 without the lid. I cut the interior with a squared bottom as I may install some felt

John Keeton
11-22-2011, 9:57 AM
Ken, that is a very simple, but very pleasing design! Nice!

Bernie Weishapl
11-22-2011, 12:29 PM
Ken I like it. Simple but really well done. Really nice finish.

Dan Forman
11-22-2011, 12:53 PM
I like it too, the shape of the bowl will work just fine without a lid too.


Baxter Smith
11-22-2011, 12:56 PM
Looking good Ken! I like the colors and form. I have only finished a few lidded bowls but they are fun to make. I have a few more "sets" roughed out. Like you, I have lots of other possibilities if I only had roughed out a lid!

Sid Matheny
11-22-2011, 1:03 PM
You did a good job with that one and hickory is not the easiest wood to turn.


Ken Hill
11-22-2011, 1:27 PM

I reckon I will have to turn out some hickory tops, not sure what else would go with it.

steven carter
11-22-2011, 1:58 PM
I would call it a bowl, and a good looking one at that. You could go with a contrasting lid and hickory knob, maybe something lighter in color like maple or birch?

Mike Cruz
11-23-2011, 7:44 AM
I really like this, Ken. I may have to steal that from you...sorry, the design, not the actual bowl. ;)

Roger Chandler
11-23-2011, 10:39 AM
That hickory is just pretty wood, with the dark streaks in it..........saw a kitchen made from it about 4 years ago......cabinets and flooring............a striking look for sure.

Nice lidded container, Ken!

Steve Schlumpf
11-23-2011, 10:42 AM
Nice - I am really liking that Hickory!

Jim Burr
11-23-2011, 10:59 AM
Great fininsh and a really cool little bowl!!

Scott Hackler
11-23-2011, 11:18 AM
Looks good Ken, but shouldn't you be out in the woods with your camera right now? :)

Ken Hill
11-23-2011, 11:38 AM
Oh man Scott, dont get me started LOL! My oldest son was able to take his first buck with a bow earlier...and I stayed out of the woods until he scored. Then I tried getting my youngest son his first deer with a bow...wasnt successful ...yet. Halloween day, they started construction on a new house that almost meets my property in the back. Its been an ongoing endeavor as they start at 7 am and knock off at dusk....within 400 yards of my best stand. Deer sign just disappeared, not to mention another neighbor who rented a property and has kids who decided a fort would be wicked cool. That killed that ridge but they are evicted now so im hopefull yet. Its been a monsoon here all week as our rifle season started monday. Its 45 mph winds here now, forced me out of the stand at 10 am. I am really praying for some seriously bitter cold to get these deer back on my food plots. Now I aint complainin'....my youngest and I killed a nice deer on Youth Day, and then his grand-pap took him to the farm in MD where he dropped 3 (allowed 3 but could have killed more as we have crop damage tags but he said 3 was enough for him to butcher in a day, he is 13 LOL) So thats 5 in the freezer as well as 75 chickens, 20 of which I butchered tuesday in the rain.

I have plenty of Chicken laden DNA for the winters turnings LOL!!!!


Now there are some bruisers in the area, infact, one nice 8 pointer decided to walk out in front of my truck last friday and gave me a nice leisurely walk as I foamed at the mouth. Then Monday evening, I come in, soaked to the bone and the wife tells me 8 Doe's and the big 8 were eating in the neighbors yard. It was the 2nd big 8 I know is here, ofcourse they know where it is safe.

I can't win and I accept it. They teased me all summer. I reckon if teh good Lord wants me to have a crack at them he will make things happen haha!


This one was singled out to be passed up by everyone here due to his broken rack...he spent 20 minutes within 15 yards of me one evening eating acorns. I do believe they have my house bugged and know full well which ones we are after!


As far as camera work, a bit slow on wildlife this season as they kept me hoping to events all over the country. Maybe this winter I can go after some deer and waterfowl seeing i aint having no luck with my bow & rifle!




RANT off!

Scott Hackler
11-23-2011, 11:59 AM
lol, it sure looks like a busy time at the Hill house! I just got back from Las Vegas where, while strolling through some art galleries I discovered Peter Lik! I now have a new found appreciation for outdoor photography. Your post showing up, reminded me of your photos. You always seemed to post some great deer pics. BTW, I am not a water fowl hunter but that last photo is really nice!

Mike Cruz
11-23-2011, 1:37 PM
Roger, my kitchen is Hickory...and I love it. There is a lot of variation in the wood.

Mike Cruz
11-23-2011, 1:42 PM
Ken, that deer with the bum antler is the one that NEEDS to be thinned out of the heard. Don't want him passing on those genes...

Mike Cruz
11-23-2011, 1:46 PM
One like this one needs to be taken, too. Check out the ski jump hooves on her! All four feet...:eek:

Ken Hill
11-23-2011, 2:00 PM
Its broke Mike, not a deformity. He ran around for a week with a bloody head. Not sure how he managed to break it but it was only a week or so before I grabbed a pic of him. I figured its like a goat horn that gets broke, but the buck wouldnt come to me for some blood clot powder LOL. He will be a fine buck next year!

Ive seen that before Mike, I would say some sort of foundering

Mike Cruz
11-23-2011, 2:04 PM
Oh, didn't realize it was a break. Hmmmmm, better hope the bucks don't figure THAT trick out... "Hey, break a horn...just one so the babes can see what you are really made of...and those walking bushes will leave ya alone! Works every time, boys, works every time. I'm still here ain't I? Been breakin' 'em off since I was a spike. And look at how the does follow me around on Friday nights..."

Jamie Donaldson
11-23-2011, 4:59 PM
Ken- I've never heard of deer founder, but that's exactly how hooves on foundered horses look.

Mike Cruz
11-23-2011, 5:34 PM
For anyone curious as to what "founder" is:

It is when the bone (I believe it is the nevicular bone) that comes down into the, well, let's just say "animal's" foot (I know about it in horses) loses its "connection" to the hoof. When that "connection" is lost, the hoof basically "floats". Yes, it is very painful, and no, there is no cure. Founder, in horses, is a dreaded situation. Most horses need to be put down from it. The main cause...too much rich grass...believe it, or not...

On a side note, but back to that picture, we've seen this girl coming around for over a year. My camera...died, kinda...and is in the shop. I'd be interested to see if she's still around when I get my camera back. Who knows, if it is founder, she's probably gone. But then again, a hunter may have done the right thing and took her out of the gene pool, too...

Ken Hill
11-23-2011, 5:53 PM
Ive seen them with their hooves almost rotted off. I have pics some where from one of my game cameras of a buck whos antler grew into its eye. Amazing how nature works, or doest sometimes

Mike Cruz
11-23-2011, 5:56 PM
Ken, why do all your threads end up about deer and wildlife?

Back to our regularly scheduled program... Hickory, turning, aaaaaaaaand....discuss.

Ken Hill
11-23-2011, 6:22 PM
I'm a mountain man, it is what I do

Jamie Donaldson
11-23-2011, 6:38 PM
Founder in horses can be caused by a number of situations, including mixing walnut shavings in with other bedding materials. There is not genetic link as far as I know, but you can imagine the pain of having severely ingrown toenails on all 4 feet at once! We lost one of my wife's show horses this way.

David E Keller
11-23-2011, 7:08 PM
Neat turning and great photos as always! I always get a kick out of your photography!

Mike Cruz
11-23-2011, 11:20 PM
Jamie, I don't know that I should ever question a Kentucky man about horse related issues, but I've always thought of, and heard, that walnut shavings is an issue for resperatory reasons. Never heard of the correlation between walnut shavings and founder...but I was wrong once before. ;)

Joe Watson
11-24-2011, 12:35 AM
Bowl looks good, finish looks sweet.

Thanks for posting this picture.


Michelle Rich
11-24-2011, 7:14 AM
the wood sure is pretty..nice lidded vessel