View Full Version : This Weekend's Craft Fair

Paul Heely
11-22-2011, 8:13 AM
My wife and I did a craft fair at the local library this past weekend. Really bad cell phone pics are attached. Overall it was great day, sold lots of bowls, boxes and the last of my pens. Surprisingly, did not sell many ornaments. Hopefully those will sell better in the local shops. It was also a banner day because my wife was able to come out and spend the day with me. She suffered a detached retina about 3 months ago and underwent two surgeries to correct, along with a lot of face down positioning and general not being able to get out of the house. This was the first day she was able to get out of the house for a whole day. Which is a good thing, because she gets credit for setting up the tables. If it was up to me everything would be arraigned in a row by height :)


Dick Wilson
11-22-2011, 8:32 AM
Hi again Paul, Very nice display and congrats on the sales. The black really shows your work off (I am redoing my sales tent so I have black background for my work). Glad your wife is getting better and hope she didn't over do it.

John Keeton
11-22-2011, 8:33 AM
Paul, most importantly, I am glad your wife is doing well and hopefully this is the last of her issues with the retina. She did a great job on the setup, and your work seems well arranged. Glad you had a great event, and congrats on the sales!!

Robert McGowen
11-22-2011, 8:36 AM
Looks like you had a lot of turning time sitting on those tables. Glad you got some payback.

Fred Belknap
11-22-2011, 8:40 AM
Nice set up Paul. I do a few craft shows and just may borrow some of your wife ideas. I did a show last weekend and had a lot of admirers and a few buyers, pretty successful I guess. I enjoy the interaction with the public.
Hope you better half fully recovers.

charlie knighton
11-22-2011, 10:47 AM
nice layout, she did a good job, you have a nice assortment of turnings, enjoy your show

Ted Calver
11-22-2011, 1:14 PM
Nice set up and good looking products. My sympathies to your wife. I have had two detached retinas and they were not fun.

Paul Heely
11-22-2011, 6:04 PM
Thank you everyone, I will pass your recovery vibes onto my wife.

This was the first time I did the library show and will definitely do it again. I had not done one in the last 3 years and did not realize how much I missed the interaction with everyone. I also liked how the black table covers and risers worked out. The display risers were kind of fun to make, I got to turn the tops and used the lathe to cut down some sono tube to size. Hmm, maybe I should write up a quick tutorial on how I made the risers....

Baxter Smith
11-22-2011, 7:41 PM
Didn't even notice the risers the first time. Pretty neat. Glad your wife was able to set things up for you!

Lee Koepke
11-22-2011, 8:36 PM
Nice set up! We did a show this weekend too .... we did VERY well! I like your bowl displays. I have to do something better with my bowl set up, mine is way too 'plain'. Thanks for sharing!