View Full Version : (almost) my first leg

Rob Price
11-21-2011, 4:57 PM
Okay, finally got to do some hands on training with a buddy here in town. I turned on his massive Powermatic lathe, going back to my Delta 460 is going to feel a little different... Anyways, I'm working up to this:
3" legs which will be for my first 'project'- and end table with a drawer at the top and a shelf at the bottom. I practiced some of the elements today on some poplar. After some more practice, I will turn a prototype out of 16/4 poplar and then dig into my 16/4 mahogany I bought for the project.

Thought I'd post my first efforts. This was 2.5" poplar, I didn't do the full leg, just tried some of the design elements:

Steve Schlumpf
11-21-2011, 5:27 PM
Looks like you won't have any problem at all turning those legs! Nice work! Looking forward to seeing the finished project!

John Keeton
11-21-2011, 5:33 PM
Rob, you are well on your way!!! Those pommel cuts are tough to get right, and you nailed them. Your beads and coves are excellent! My guess is that the poplar prototype will be dead on.

I remember this progression so well - my first turnings were a set of legs for a table. Ahhhhh......the days of flatwork.....such a distant memory!

Rob Price
11-21-2011, 6:10 PM
I had a couple of blowouts on the pommels, but you can't see them in the picture :)It will probably be close to Christmas before I get another day in the shop, but I'll post pics here as I go along. Feel free to pass along any tips, esp re: pommels.

BTW: good to see you back John. Glad to hear you're doing well.

Bob Bergstrom
11-21-2011, 6:29 PM
Hey, nice job. The beads are nice and round. The Lambs tongue is well formed and I really like the use of the birds beak making a great transition to the bottom of the leg.