View Full Version : Birch salad bowl

Hayes Rutherford
11-20-2011, 11:39 AM
This is a continuing effort to dress up otherwise plain birch that is so common around here. A simple flat bead sectioned off with a wood burner, sanded to 220, colored with dye in thin shellac, then walnut oil sanded in with 400 wet/dry. About 12" diameter. Comments and suggestions always welcome.

Dick Wilson
11-20-2011, 11:58 AM
Hayes, A tossed salad doesn't deserve to rest in this bowl. Maybe some turned fruit, but no salad:D. Beautiful bowl, excellent accents - you see it but it doesn't take away from the bowl at all. Shellac and dye huh? Hmmm. Never thought of that approach. Many times I was looking for something different to do such as colors. I think shellac would certainly help to keep the dye from leaching into unwanted wood. Great job.

Curt Fuller
11-20-2011, 12:48 PM
I like that. It looks like a king snake wrapped around it. Very nice!

John Keeton
11-20-2011, 12:51 PM
And, a nice "dress up" job it is!! Very well done, Hayes! I have used shellac and dye before, and it works great. I used the Transtint, which are alcohol based anyway, so they mix perfectly with shellac.

Dick, as far as leaching, I have found that burned lines will do a very good job of retaining dye.

Dick Wilson
11-20-2011, 1:29 PM
And, a nice "dress up" job it is!! Very well done, Hayes! I have used shellac and dye before, and it works great. I used the Transtint, which are alcohol based anyway, so they mix perfectly with shellac.

Dick, as far as leaching, I have found that burned lines will do a very good job of retaining dye.

Good to know John. How are you getting along? Update please in new thread.

Scott Hackler
11-20-2011, 2:45 PM
I like that accent around the bowl. It really dresses up the bowl.

Dan Forman
11-20-2011, 3:29 PM
I predict these will fly off of your table next year at Coolin (sp?) Days. Very nice.


David E Keller
11-20-2011, 3:34 PM
Pretty work and a nicely placed accent ring! For some reason, the red throws me off a little bit... I keep wondering how it might look if the red areas had been left natural. I'd proudly display it at my place!

Josh Bowman
11-20-2011, 3:40 PM
Great work, like the inlay.

Cheryl A. Prince
11-21-2011, 5:49 AM
Hayes, Sometimes something simple is the best choice of all! I like your band and the slight angle to the vertical lines gives the decoration a softer, quirkier feel. Did you wire burn the two lines that go around the circumfrance of the piece? The lines look too strong and even to have been hand burned (that or you are much better with your burner than I am!).

Steve Schlumpf
11-21-2011, 9:04 AM
I like it! Simple, clean and the decoration doesn't overpower the bowl!

Hayes Rutherford
11-21-2011, 9:14 AM
Dick, thanks for kind words but that bowl is for salad. The powdered dye (it's what I have-not prefer) dissolved in alcohol with about 10% shellac penetrates a little but sets quick and builds a little finish. But again, no "masterpiece" intended here although I always try to raise my "lousy level"

Dan, I hope this as well as a bunch of others fly off the table this friday and saturday at the "Tis The Season" 26th annual Arts and Crafts Show at Hill's Resort on the west side of Priest Lake.

Cheryl, I did burn the lines around, with a .012 guitar string on some handles and shaped and hammered a piece of nichrome wire for a woodburner that would almost make it across the bead. As John Keaton mentioned it helps stop the spread of dye.

David Reed
11-21-2011, 10:15 AM
Love the simplicity of this well dressed bowl. Nicely done

charlie knighton
11-21-2011, 10:46 AM
very nice, Hayes, i like your black and red

Bill Bolen
11-21-2011, 11:01 AM
Well dressed indeed! That band sure adds a lot the the bowl. I like Birch because the pieces from it are always so light feeling but gotta agree those same pieces are awfully plain unless spalting has set in. Great "dress up".

Bernie Weishapl
11-21-2011, 11:15 AM
Hayes that is a nice bowl. Simple and the embellishments look great on it. Burned lines will definitely stop the bleeding of dye.

Jim Burr
11-21-2011, 2:52 PM
How did I miss this! Beautiful Hayes...it'll be out the door in a heartbeat!

Rick Markham
11-22-2011, 5:06 AM
Very nice Hayes! I really like the accent, it's a great shape too. I'm going to have to file that shellac dye idea away in my permanent record, that's a good one. :)

Michelle Rich
11-22-2011, 7:24 AM
it does dress up quieter wood..tho i think this wood is pretty. Great shape on this bowl

Baxter Smith
11-22-2011, 1:33 PM
Nice work Hayes. I was just reading about mixing about mixing the transtint with shellac. I have some holy roughouts it might add a touch of color too. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

David DeCristoforo
11-22-2011, 2:58 PM
Really like this bowl but I hate birch salad. I would use it for popcorn...

thomas prusak
11-23-2011, 1:12 PM
Great design, beautiful bowl. You really did turn plain into a work of art Hayes. Love it