View Full Version : Read the Warning Label!!! Brain Fart of the Day Award

Clark Harbaugh
11-19-2011, 7:01 PM
So, today I pulled a total knucklehead move and almost lost a finger in the process. When making a mitered cut with your miter saw, make sure you raise the little auxiliary fence, especially when it has a little sticker on it that states WARNING: Raise auxiliary fence before making a miter cut. I needed to put a 45 on a piece of scrap wood. I reached over for the 12" Hitachi miter saw that I have come to love to quickly make the only wood cut of the day. I unlocked and rotated the saw to 45 and even measured to make sure I was spot on. I braced the wood against the fence and fired up the saw. As everything happened in less than a second, I can't tell you for sure exactly how I kept my finger, but I'll try. About the time that the first tooth hit the guard, it forced the board I was holding to jump away from the fence momentarily. In that split second, my index and 'waiving you're #1' fingers slid between the board and the fence. At that same time, the blade bound up in the board and slammed the board, with my two fingers behind it, back into the fence. The torque caused by my fingers being in the way caused the blade to deflect to the left and hit the actual case that surrounds the blade, causing it to explode in a dozen peices.

My first reaction was to yank my hand out of the way to make sure all appendages were still attached, and thank God they were. However, the amout of blood pouring out of the top of my index finder was a bit more than disturbing. Now came the point where I had to go inside the house and tell my wife to get out of the kitchen sink because I had an accident with the miter saw. Her inital eraction, of course, was that she thought I was without fingers and she went into full panic mode. When I explained what actually happened, she went from affraid to angry and began the lecturing. Normally I would chastise her for nagging, but I figured this was a well diserved lashing. Once I got it cleaned up, I could tell that my only injury was a chunk of flesh about 1/2" x 3/8" was missing from the top of my finger. My finger was also black and blue and sweling, so I figure I may have fractured it slightly.

Before everyone lights into me about shop safety, let me say that I am usually overly anal about being safe in the shop. The moral of the story is that the one time you sacrifice double checking everything is the one time that you're going to get hurt. After I pulled my boxers out from where the sun don't shine and finally calmed down I realized how truly lucky I was to only possibly fracture a finger. And in case you're wondering, the saw is trashed. My favorite Freud 96T blade is now bent and missing teeth, so there's $125; The case on the saw has to be replaced, and that's another $170; the link that raises and lowers the blade guard is trashed, another $10; and of course the auxiliary fence, another $27. So, my 10 second brain fart will end up costing me north of $300 and the loss of use of a finger for a while. BTW, do you know how hard it is to type without using one of your index fingers?

Gil Knowles
11-19-2011, 7:24 PM
Very glad to hear that your injury was not worse. These types of things can happen to anyone, it only takes a split second laspe.
I lost approx. 3/8" of my left thumb a number of years ago on a jointer. It could have been a lot worse.
Take Care

Andrew Hughes
11-19-2011, 7:44 PM
Dont feel bad clark i cut thru my nose picking finger last year with a worm drive skill saw.I was cutting some of that plastic decking holding it in one hand and saw in the other.I had no respect for the material or the job i was doing.The urgent care doc said he usually see my kind of injury on the weekends.I feel for ya.Hope ya have a nice turkey day.

ray hampton
11-19-2011, 7:48 PM
Clark, how can you type on your keyboard with a band-aid on your index finger, you need a special glove made with mail to operate your power tools from now on, GET WELL QUICK

Damon Stathatos
11-19-2011, 7:49 PM
...thank goodness, all fingers still attached...blood should stop painting the walls at some point...dang it man, my Freud !!!

Glad to hear it wasn't worse. Whenever I'm rudely reminded of the instantaneous consequences of physics, it permanently slows me down even further in every set-up from that point on. At this point, other guys laugh at me, I'm so slow, but I'm bound and determined to check out with all the digits I checked in with.

Thanks for the post and again, happy it wasn't worse. Also, you may find a few more things you need when looking for that new Freud and at this point, I'd have myself convinced that I deserve some more stuff, if nothing else, for the sake of safety.

Chris Parks
11-19-2011, 10:34 PM
I had an incident where an irregular shaped piece of timber I was cutting on my mitre saw was rotated by the blade and trapped my finger between the fence and the timber. As it was still bleeding 24 hours later I decided to go to the doctor and see what was what and she sent me to a special hand unit in a hospital where they removed the nail and rebuilt the nail bed as it was a bit smashed. That's what happens when you are cutting firewood for a friend.

Kevin W Johnson
11-20-2011, 2:34 AM
First, i wanna say that it's good to hear that it isn't worse than it is.

Second, without pics, it didn't happen! :rolleyes:

David Nelson1
11-20-2011, 6:29 AM
First, i wanna say that it's good to hear that it isn't worse than it is.

Second, without pics, it didn't happen! :rolleyes:

Kevin, "that's messed up Dude". :eek: Clark, I 'm glad to hear that that things didn't get real bad. I had a bolt on the guard of my C-man miter come loose. The blade guard exploded all around me. I wasn't even in the wood yet no injury except to my shorts. A quick recovery to ya!!

Ken Shoemaker
11-20-2011, 8:29 AM
I appreciate your reminder to us all. I am glad your incident wasn't worse.

Thanks, Ken

Mike Heidrick
11-20-2011, 11:18 AM
I think I would be doing a nine finger search on a new saw personally. Glad you were not SERIOUSLY hurt.

Don Morris
11-20-2011, 6:44 PM
Thanks for the input. And glad you're OK! If it weren't for members willing to post incidents like yours, other members wouldn't get the benefit from them. I learned. Hopefully, I'll remember. THANKS!!!