View Full Version : Art show!

Robert McGowen
11-19-2011, 1:34 AM
I entered a judged art show in Austin, Tx. and the results were announced tonight at the opening. There were 3 divisions (amateur, intermediate, professional) with 3 places awarded in each division. I did not think that my chances were great, as there were 3 professional judges: a photographer, a ceramics expert, and a painter. The show was also mixed media, with quite a few paintings, photographs, and sculptures all competing against each other. After announcing 3 Honorable Mentions and 3rd place, I was heading for the door. Second place was announced and I kept moving. No one was more shocked than I was (just ask my wife!) when 1st place in the intermediate division was announced. A nice cash prize was awarded along with the blue ribbon. The show will be open until January and the pieces are up for sale during that time.

I did learn something I would like to pass along. EVERY person that I spoke to at the show asked if the inside of the vase was finished and wanted to know how it was done. The curator told me that during judging, the judges had asked for a flashlight and had checked out the INSIDE of the vase to see what it looked like. Some things you might take for granted, but I guess that I learned that even the little things can count a lot.

Thank you for letting me share my excitement with you!

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mickey cassiba
11-19-2011, 2:20 AM
Congratulations! A very nice piece.

Rick Markham
11-19-2011, 2:34 AM
Congrats Robert! Well done, what a beautiful piece :)

Dan Forman
11-19-2011, 3:21 AM
Congrat's Robert, and a lovely piece.


Josh Bowman
11-19-2011, 7:02 AM
Wow! Congratulations. Very nice piece.

John Keeton
11-19-2011, 7:14 AM
Robert, that is HUGE!! Great story, too. When you posted this piece previously, I felt the form was just really nice - your lines always flow so well, and the joinery is top notch. I looked up the Austin chapter of the National Arts Program - great venue, and you were among some very good company! A big congrats to you, it is well deserved.

Dennis Ford
11-19-2011, 8:04 AM
Congrats on winning! It seems woodturning is becoming more accepted at art shows but it takes an exceptional piece like this one to get first place.

Pete Jordan
11-19-2011, 8:10 AM
Wow Robert!

Beautiful piece and great award. I cannot believe you were shocked.

Baxter Smith
11-19-2011, 9:35 AM
Congrats Robert! What a way to end the evening! That was a great looking vase!

Steve Schlumpf
11-19-2011, 9:40 AM
Excellent!! Congrats Robert! Beautiful work and I am very happy to see your talent get recognized!

You know, I think this is the first real photo of you that I've seen! My first thoughts were that your knee must be doing OK to strike that particular pose!!

Thanks for sharing the event! I hope this helps open some doors to your art!! Congrats!!

Michelle Rich
11-19-2011, 10:35 AM
Congrats!!! thanks for sharing your excitement with us!!

Bernie Weishapl
11-19-2011, 10:37 AM
Congrats Robert. It is well deserved. I find on vases two things happen. The first thing is they look at the bottom and stick their fingers inside. They always ask how'd you do that.

charlie knighton
11-19-2011, 10:53 AM
congratulations Robert, nice form

Bruce Yasitis
11-19-2011, 10:53 AM
Congrats - Your success in a mixed media competition reaffirms turned pieces' place as true art.

Curt Fuller
11-19-2011, 10:59 AM
Wow Robert, that's great! Like some of the others have said I've always liked the simple flowing forms you do. Congratulations!

Bill Bolen
11-19-2011, 11:06 AM
Way to go Robert! Just wonderful that you received the recognition you deserve.

Jim Burr
11-19-2011, 11:36 AM
Nice job Robert! Looks like those little tidbits pay off!

Scott Hackler
11-19-2011, 1:22 PM
That's awesome Robert! Congratulations on the win!

Roger Chandler
11-19-2011, 1:26 PM
Super! Beautiful vase.......the segmentation is first rate, and of course the blue ribbon.........doesn't get any better!

Allan Ferguson
11-19-2011, 2:24 PM
You just cannot beat that. Looking very good and we are often our own worst critique.

Bob Bergstrom
11-19-2011, 3:03 PM
Bet you won't get much sleep for a few nights. Has to be very exciting experience. Now you can demand an extra 20% on your sales because you are a recognized artist. Thanks for sharing a beautiful piece.

Robert McGowen
11-19-2011, 6:31 PM
You know, I think this is the first real photo of you that I've seen! My first thoughts were that your knee must be doing OK to strike that particular pose!!

Steve, I guess my "previous life" kept me from posting too many photos of myself. Retirement changes a lot of things!

It was funny that you mentioned my knee because I kept telling my wife to hurry before I fell over on the floor in front of a 100 people. 30 seconds of pain and a 1 second smile and it was all over!

David E Keller
11-19-2011, 6:43 PM
Congrats on the award and the cash! Let's hope the piece sells and you complete the trifecta!

Tony De Masi
11-19-2011, 7:49 PM
That is just great news Robert and quite well deserved with that piece as well. I guess now you need to enter the professional level?

steven carter
11-19-2011, 8:09 PM
Congratulations Robert, well deserved, I hope it sells for a pile of cash!

Kathy Marshall
11-19-2011, 9:10 PM
Congrats Robert! Great piece and well deserved!

Tom Hamilton
11-19-2011, 9:16 PM
Robert: What great news! My heartfelt congratulations. It is a beautiful piece and I know you've worked at developing your skills so it would be beautiful. Enjoy!

All the best, Tom, in GA, but headed to TEXAS next week for Turkey!

Robert McGowen
11-21-2011, 5:10 PM
Thanks for the positive comments. I really appreciate them.

The show director e-mailed today to confirm my address to mail the check, so I guess this really happened and I didn't just imagine it. :D

Now time to get back to turning those Christmas presents, which, as someone alluded too, are worth much more now! LOL :cool:

Roland Martin
11-21-2011, 8:39 PM
Great news and certainly well deserved, this is a great form and very well done joinery. Congratulations!