View Full Version : Holiday gifts DONE!!!

Michelle Rich
11-17-2011, 7:51 AM
Thank goodness. I posted a few items earlier, and this is the last of what I have made.
Blue pen is double closed end acrylic
The 3 pens : 2 rope spiral, 1 flute spiral all custom centerbands, caps, closed end , double closed end, etc.
segmented spice jar was a request ..I find it a tad bulbous, but this is what the person wanted
cherry shaker oval carry
and finally a qtr sawn sycamore lid on a shaker oval box
Had fun making all these & i hope the folks who recieve them are happy!

Roger Chandler
11-17-2011, 7:57 AM
Oh the talent!!! Some folks just have it dripping off their fingers! Nice stuff Michelle!

Roland Martin
11-17-2011, 7:59 AM
This is a great line-up of gifts, Michelle. The shaker carry and box particularly interest me, my brother makes these. The shaker influence in this part of Mane is quite prominent, just 10 minutes away from the New Gloucester Shaker Village. A very well done job on these.

Michelle Rich
11-17-2011, 8:04 AM
Hi Roland: I adore making these shaker boxes. I love the steambending, and cutting the fingers..it is SOOOO FUN! haven't met anybody yet that doesn't like them.
Roger: thank you

Richard Jones
11-17-2011, 9:13 AM
Multi-talented is truly a gift in itself. Your recipients should be honored.

Great looking stuff!!


PS Forgot to add that being done with holiday stuff before Thanksgiving is just plain wrong..................

John Keeton
11-17-2011, 9:17 AM
Michelle, you are a multi-faceted woman!! Some unique items, and while I don't do pens, you certainly do a great job on these spirals.

Norm Zax
11-17-2011, 9:28 AM
Cool work! Love all four pens.

Baxter Smith
11-17-2011, 9:31 AM
Great work on all Michele but the Sycamore is easily my favorite. A shaker box has been on my to try list for a long time. Your recipients are lucky!

Rick Markham
11-17-2011, 9:39 AM
Wow Michelle!!!! Can I be on your gift list next year? :D Every single one of those is super cool, I love the first pen, and the other spiral pens (too cool.) But I would have to say my favorite is the 4th picture, that shaker box is Impeccable!

David Reed
11-17-2011, 10:20 AM
Quite a variety pack here and all done impeccably. I have had a bentwood box on my list for years now, unfortunately it is still on the list. Lovely work all around.

Robert McGowen
11-17-2011, 10:32 AM
I have to agree with everyone else, a lot of different talents displayed there.

Hayes Rutherford
11-17-2011, 10:37 AM
Nice work Michelle, seems like you thrive on diverse projects!.

Dave Mura
11-17-2011, 3:58 PM
Very nice work! http://chdsolutions.com/img/11d867796d85db8cad5280ac44cec7c1.jpghttp://chdsolutions.com/img/a57d48399922b03419153a9760c5ce53.jpghttp://chdsolutions.com/img/beda24c1e1b46055dff2c39c98fd6fc1.jpg

Steve Schlumpf
11-17-2011, 4:14 PM
Holy Cow!!! That is some beautiful work Michelle! Very impressive and I know the recipients are going to be thrilled!! Thanks for sharing!

John Beaver
11-17-2011, 6:28 PM
Nice Michelle.
I'll be checking my mailbox daily....

David E Keller
11-17-2011, 8:04 PM
Wow! I hope the folks that get stuff from me don't know the folks that get stuff from you... Beautiful work! While I love them all, those twisted pens are perhaps my favorites!

John M. Smith
11-17-2011, 8:19 PM
Great looking gifts Michelle. Love those pens. They must be a lot of work!!

Also wondered where you get your supplies for the shaker boxes?

Bruce Lundgren
11-17-2011, 8:24 PM
Michelle. The variety of work that you do is incredible. When I lived in NH, my wife and I built Shaker furniture and sold some pieces at the Cantebury Shaker Village. The box and carrier are extremely well done!! It's not often that we see the wide range of work done by someone here. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.Bruce

Harry Robinette
11-17-2011, 8:29 PM
I sure hope you didn't hurt any of you tools turning the boxes with the nail in them.

Ed Morgano
11-17-2011, 11:21 PM
Nothing is ever simple with you is it?!?!?! Just a few little SPECTACULAR Christmas gifts. WOW.

Bernie Weishapl
11-17-2011, 11:24 PM
Those are a great bunch of gifts Michelle. They will be loved and cherished for some time to come.

Michelle Rich
11-18-2011, 8:40 AM
Thanks all..your comments are appreciated by this old turner.