View Full Version : "Gnarly Sophisticate"

Roger Chandler
11-16-2011, 9:22 PM
Since I made the "Burls are Like a box of Chocolates" a work in progress thread............I am going to show this phase of the turning.........it is not finished yet........Still have some sanding and refinishing to do....only has the first coat of WOP on it and a seal coat of shellac.............

I plan to put a lid and finial on this ........likely dyed brown to match the bark inclusions and voids. This was by no means my original intent for this cherry burl...........those voids [unseen until the bark was turned off] made me do a different form........the only one I could see getting out of what remained unless I turned away just about all the burl eyes and figure.

I call it "Gnarly sophisticate" because it is an old gnarly piece of wood, but the figure and the finial I will top it with should bring out its natural beauty and allow it to have some semblance of artistic expression :rolleyes: ......at least that is what I am telling myself! :D

Let me know what you think so far.............2130992131002131012131022131032131 04213105

John Keeton
11-16-2011, 9:34 PM
Roger, I would say you captured the essence of that piece of wood!! Plenty of character, and a very nice finish. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the finial.

Bernie Weishapl
11-16-2011, 10:32 PM
That is a really nice piece Roger. Lots going on with that wood. Finish is spot on.

Mike Cruz
11-16-2011, 10:34 PM
Roger, I love what you did with it/what became of it. You've certainly done that piece of wood justice. The tree would be proud.

Roger Chandler
11-16-2011, 10:58 PM
Thanks John, Bernie and Mike............I appreciate you taking time to look..............when I get the finial on it and final finish, I will post a couple more to finish off the thread..........

Kathy Marshall
11-17-2011, 12:30 AM
Nice job Roger! Look forward to seeing it completed!

Michelle Rich
11-17-2011, 6:06 AM
looks like you are having fun! looks good so far, & we all await the finished piece. Great color in this wood

Roger Chandler
11-17-2011, 7:41 AM
Thanks Kathy..........thanks Michelle!

Roland Martin
11-17-2011, 7:50 AM
Very well thought out design opportunity, Roger. Nice looking chunk of cherry, will be waiting to see the completed turning, thanks for the update.

Tony De Masi
11-17-2011, 8:09 AM
Yep...She's gonna be a beauty Roger.

Baxter Smith
11-17-2011, 9:26 AM
Looking good Roger! I am interested in seeing what you come up with for a finial. Some matching voids might be a nice touch!

Rick Markham
11-17-2011, 9:34 AM
I like it Roger. It's a different shape, yes, but sometimes the wood "speaks to you" and tell you the original plan is a no go. I bet that was an experience in hollowing.:eek: So far the worst unseen void I have found was with a bowl gouge 6" or so deep in a bowl, it was about the size of a baseball and it beat the living tar out of me everytime it came around again, and again, and again... :D I look forward to seeing the "topper" ya put on it!

Roger Chandler
11-17-2011, 12:49 PM
I bet that was an experience in hollowing.:eek: So far the worst unseen void I have found was with a bowl gouge 6" or so deep in a bowl, it was about the size of a baseball and it beat the living tar out of me everytime it came around again, and again, and again... :D

Actually Rick.........I was pleasantly surprised at the ease with which this one hollowed...........up front, I figured that I would have all kinds of catches from those voids..........turns out I had none...........I did try to be a little extra careful when I got near the final thickness though................I made sure to hone out my cutter a time or two during the hollowing so sharp cutter bits and not very heavy passes did the trick.

Thanks for commenting..........I appreciate it! :)

John Keeton
11-17-2011, 1:13 PM
Roger, I have found, particularly with voids, that a little higher speed produces a much better finish cut on the inside - as it does on the outside with a gouge.

Roger Chandler
11-17-2011, 1:27 PM
Roger, I have found, particularly with voids, that a little higher speed produces a much better finish cut on the inside - as it does on the outside with a gouge.

You are correct indeed Sir.............I hollow usually at around 800- 900 rpm.......depending on how well the wood is cutting........for this one I hollowed at about 650 rpm............I wanted to take it easy in case this thing came flying apart on me! :eek::eek:

Curt Fuller
11-17-2011, 8:25 PM
When I first read the title to this post I thought it was another post about Steve Schlumpf's new avatar.;)

I really like everything about this and think you've done a great job with the burl. When these things are spinning on the lathe, every revolution is changing the appearance of the burl. You can't put anything back on it and you never really know when to stop and call it done. But I think this turned out beautiful.

Roger Chandler
11-17-2011, 8:30 PM
When I first read the title to this post I thought it was another post about Steve Schlumpf's new avatar.;)

I really like everything about this and think you've done a great job with the burl.

Curt........Steve does have that gnarly, yet sophisticated look :eek: about him doesn't he! Ah yes, ......... such is the world of the arteeeeest...........a dichotomy in experience.........:D