View Full Version : BUSTED: Holly Burl HF

Baxter Smith
11-16-2011, 10:32 AM
I roughed this out last fall from a tree that had BUSTED off as the result of heavy wet snow the previous winter. I don’t remember why I had used a glue block on it. Probably because I had BUSTED off the tenon while roughing.

The outside had been completely returned, hollowed, and wet sanded with BLO. The tenon had been parted off to about an inch in diameter when I decided the NE wings were just a hair too thick. Probably not much more than an 1/8”, but thicker than I had done the body itself. I was thinking about the never go back to the rim rule… but I was hoping the top would have kept the short wings from changing shape. So I cranked up the speed and picked up the detail gouge.

I was about 3/4ths of the way down when suddenly I heard a sound. Almost as if something, as if something had hit the ways.:rolleyes: I also thought the shower curtain behind the lathe moved too. Well, the glueblock (CA) was still in the chuck but the rest was nowhere to be seen. I went around to the other side of the lathe to look. BUSTED!
Sanded/rounded out what had been a nice crisp line at the bottom and used some thin CA to fix the two breaks between those three holes.

That didn’t solve the problem of what to do with three little light spots where there had been some NE. Never tried any pyro work but those little spots looked like the opportunity of a lifetime.;)
The glue block was supposed to have become a tiny tenon for lining things up on a pedestal but that was gone. I was able to get it back on the lathe between centers and cut up into the bottom to create a recess and left a tenon about 1/16” long for centering.

I drew up a picture on some graph paper of a pedestal and finial that might work. Started on the finial first and got the bottom done without incident. Put a first coat of black dye on the base and taped it into a jamb chuck. Shortly thereafter, a little catch at the tip and …..BUSTED!

Apparently the finial wasn’t meant to be black!
Lets try the pedestal! Turned another piece of holly round and fitted one end into a chuck so I could drill a hole on one end for the bottom of the form. Had the top of the pedestal done to match up with the base of the form and decided that maybe the tailstock could gently be inserted into the hole to help reduce any vibration.:rolleyes: Got to the narrowest part and…. BUSTED!
Now what? I hated to toss the top so had to come up with a patch. Fortunately, the broken top had a bit of a tenon on one side and a hole on the other. I won’t bore you with the details, but by using a chuck in the tailstock several times to line things up, a bead became the splice.

Somehow I was able to complete the pedestal and then a new finial without mishap.

Sorry I forgot to include the tube of 5 minute epoxy!
BUSTED: 11 ¾” tall x 4 w

Finished with BLO, Shellac, and gloss WOP.
The finial and pedestal just have WOP and Ren wax.

Thoughts about the form, or other things one should not do are welcome!:)

James Combs
11-16-2011, 10:39 AM
Some nice save"s". Great looking result. Size is deceptive, looks larger until you see the glue bottle.

charlie knighton
11-16-2011, 4:29 PM
i would call that determined, nice rework, pretty gnarly wood

Jim Burr
11-16-2011, 5:07 PM
That's it??? something broke!!!? You sir do some great work, and this I hope was fun for you! Beautiful!!

Bernie Weishapl
11-16-2011, 6:27 PM
That is some beautiful work on a beautiful piece Baxter. Nice save.

John Keeton
11-16-2011, 7:07 PM
Alternate Title - Perseverance!!! Baxter, you did a great job on this save - nice work. The only thing I see is the bottom curve on the form seems a little abrupt, but I suspect given the challenges with the first "air departure" and the difficulties getting it back on the lathe for the recess, it was just about as good as one could get. I give you an A+!!!

Wally Dickerman
11-16-2011, 8:38 PM

Way to go Baxter...nice save.

Joe Watson
11-17-2011, 1:51 AM
Does your family call that persistent or stubborn ? :)
Great ending, really looks good.


Michelle Rich
11-17-2011, 5:59 AM
super save..I like the finial & pedestal. turned out just wonderful despite the setbacks

Baxter Smith
11-17-2011, 10:15 AM
Thanks for your thoughts and feedback. They are appreciated!

... this I hope was fun for you! .....
Yes Jim, though it did have its ups and downs!

.... The only thing I see is the bottom curve on the form seems a little abrupt.....
Thanks John. I appreciate your input!

Thanks Wally. Having to figure out, and then do the repairs were perhaps the most interesting and instructive parts! I may try and make the next one less intersting and instructive though!:)

Does your family call that persistent or stubborn ? :)...
Thanks Joe. And my other choices are?;)