View Full Version : Wire stained Walnut platter

Bill Bolen
11-13-2011, 8:18 PM
This platter is among the first of several finished pieces from a large Walnut score back in Feb of this year. The huge Section of log it came out of had several strands of barbed wire buried deep within. There was a pretty dark purple stain all around the wire, which I hoped would retain the color throughout turning and finishing. Afraid the purple was black once the turning was done but still seems to add some interest to the piece. 15.5X2.5 or so and finished with multiple coats of Formby’s tung oil, buffed and Ren wax.

Steve Vaughan
11-13-2011, 8:21 PM
That's beautiful! You did a great job with it, and a great story to boot!

David E Keller
11-13-2011, 8:28 PM
That's beautiful wood and a lovely form!

Nate Davey
11-13-2011, 8:33 PM
Gorgeous bowl/platter. The walnut is spectacular and the finish is top notch.

Curt Fuller
11-13-2011, 8:42 PM
Wow Bill, that's a beauty. Pretty amazing that the corrosion would reach that far into the wood. It really gives it an interesting look.

dan carter
11-13-2011, 8:54 PM
Nice work, Bill. Sure is hard to beat Walnut. I don't like finding wire but don't mind finding lead, it doesn't dull the chain as badly. Your edge treatment is well done.

Roger Chandler
11-13-2011, 8:55 PM
That is a real beauty, Bill! I think you did a superb job on the form and finish..........share with us if you will your technique using the Formby's .........I have a can, but have not used any yet..........this platter is a looker for sure!

thomas prusak
11-13-2011, 9:12 PM
My wife really likes the platter. Great job on this one.

Joe Watson
11-13-2011, 9:21 PM
Yea.. that came out really nice - im pretty sure anything made form walnut is just awsume :)

Hayes Rutherford
11-13-2011, 9:31 PM
You did a great job on some attractive wood. It shows you did well getting the blank prepared as well.

Roland Martin
11-14-2011, 6:23 AM
I really like the graceful form of this platter and the walnut just adds to the overall beauty, very well done, Bill.

John Keeton
11-14-2011, 6:27 AM
Bill, very appealing form on this one, and the wood is beautiful! Excellent work, as always.

Michelle Rich
11-14-2011, 7:39 AM
Altho walnut is not "in style" much right now, I've always loved it. What could be prettier than this?

Baxter Smith
11-14-2011, 9:40 AM
Great platter. Can't figure out if the stain adds or subtracts from the piece. It appears centered which I think is a definite plus! I remember thinking how awesome those couple of trailerloads of big walnut looked! I have a feeling I am going to be feeling that same way again fairly frequently. Bring them on!

Prashun Patel
11-14-2011, 10:58 AM
That platter is perfect. I love that stain; it really speaks to me. I'll have to try that Formby's. Is that pure tung oil or the tung oil 'finish'?

Keith E Byrd
11-14-2011, 11:01 AM
Great job - I really like turning walnut and you did good by this peice!

Harvey Ghesser
11-14-2011, 11:05 AM
very nicely done, Bill!

Bernie Weishapl
11-14-2011, 11:18 AM
Beautiful piece Bill and the wire sure gave it some great character. Gotta love walnut.

Bob Bergstrom
11-14-2011, 11:44 AM
Definitely a keeper. I really like the rim. Thats what i call an "outie" if in slops inward it is a "innie" The black makes it quite unique.

Bill Bolen
11-14-2011, 12:51 PM
Thanks all...roger, I just followed the instructions on the back of the can. Very inventive of me I know. :rolleyes:

David Reed
11-14-2011, 1:09 PM
I like the grain alignment and the edge treatment on this piece. The flow of the curve is perfect.

Ed Morgano
11-14-2011, 5:26 PM
Great job Bill. I can see that I need some more practice. You did a beautiful job on the form and finish.

Harry Robinette
11-14-2011, 8:27 PM
Now thats really nice.