View Full Version : spalted sugar maple

cal thelen
11-13-2011, 2:10 PM
okay something about this just does not look right to me. its about 3 inches dia and 6 inches high. first person i showed it too asked how much and bought it. so i guess its not all bad but to me something just did not look right. it is finished with wood turners finish. first time i used it and i like it. excuse the pic its just a cell phone pic. thanks for any comments and critiques

Roger Chandler
11-13-2011, 2:18 PM
The stem could have been a little more tucked under near the base, [ a little onion, or bulb shape] and then slendered as it went up to the cup. A lot of goblets have a little more of a delicate look..............but I will say that you did a nice job on this, and the wood is just beautiful.

Beauty is also in the eye of the beholder.............you know that the person who bought it was very pleased..........you cannot argue with results like that! You did very well!

John Keeton
11-13-2011, 2:38 PM
Cal, the following information is extracted from the website (http://www.woodturnerruss.com/Design-2.html) of the late Russ Fairfield. It is a treasure trove of information that may be helpful to you.


Goblets are an excellent example of the "Rule of 1/3's". Everything is related to everything else with a relationship of 1/3 or 2/3. Using the photo of a goblet, the overall height has been divided into 2 parts.

The globe of the goblet A-B is 1/3 of the overall height A-C, and the length of the stem is 2/3 of the height A-C. The globe and the stem are then farther broken down as shown. The diameter at D is 1/3 the height A-C, and the diameter of the base at C is the same as the diameter at D. The bowl (A-B) and the stem (B-C) are further divided into 1/2 and 2/3 as shown. E is the location of the smallest diameter of the stem.

Jim Burr
11-13-2011, 4:07 PM
Other than the thought's from Mr Fairchild, the base should be at least as wide and the widest point of the goblet. I've made dozens of wine glass sets and the first couple were returned as having a base that was to small. The glass was prone to tipping...my guess was from user instability after several refills! All the sets I make now have a base as wide as the widest point of the goblet...and for some repeats buyers...1/2 wider than the goblet for the extra measure of stability!!

charlie knighton
11-13-2011, 4:26 PM
cal, it is very nice

personally i like the cove instead of the bead like in John's picture for the foot, just what i like

Baxter Smith
11-13-2011, 8:01 PM
Remember Cal, the customer is always right!;) Congrats on the sale! Johns attachment does look like a good thing to try on the next one.

cal thelen
11-14-2011, 1:39 PM
thanks for the comments. John thanks for the website looks like lots of helpful info there.

Don Alexander
11-14-2011, 7:05 PM
my personal rule of thumb is that when the first person who sees it goes home with after paying for it ...... it is just perfect :)