View Full Version : 3 days, 3 gloats!

Kathy Marshall
11-13-2011, 1:13 AM
#1. I was scheduled to pick up a load of wood from the tree trimmers on Friday, she called me on Wednesday and suggested I drop my trailer off on Thursday and they would have it all loaded up for me on Friday. So Thursday after work I dropped off the trailer, and as it happened, they had cut a mulberry tree that day. So I picked up about 5 mulberry logs :D. Got home, unloaded and sealed, then took the smallest log and cut it in half. I split 1 half and turned a couple small bowls, then took the other half and turned this small hollow form (excuse the crappy cell phone pic). It's 4" x 4" with just a coat of DO so far.
#2. Picked up my trailer on Friday and it was loaded with Dalbergia Sissoo :D. Looks like a pretty good load, there are some nice sized logs and looks like there's some nice color, but they've got some wide growth rings. Sunday will be chainsaw day and hopefully they'll look as good on the inside.
#3. Saturday our club had an all day demo with Chris Pytlik. The demo was great, he turned a large ne bowl and a hollow form in the 1st half, then showed his dye procedure using those 2 pieces in the 2nd half. He brought some of his pieces and the dye jobs are pretty cool! His dye method makes for some neat results and is something I would never have considered doing. He had some packets of powdered dye for sale, so I picked up a few different colors, got home and went to work to try it out. For a 1st practice piece, it didn't turn out too bad (I need to pick up a few supplies that will make the process a little easier). It's hanging in the shop while the lacquer dries, I'll try to post pics tomorrow, but here are some pics of Chris's pieces.

All in all, a nice ending to the week!

Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome.

Michelle Rich
11-13-2011, 6:03 AM
super HF, but what really astounds is that not only do they call you & give you wood, they load the trailer...please send your magic powers of persuasion to me, thanx

John Keeton
11-13-2011, 7:04 AM
Kathy, you have a wonderful relationship with that tree trimmer!!! No wonder you have to turn 12 hours/day!!

That is a beautiful HF of the mulberry, and looks like that Sissoo is going to some special stuff, too. From the pieces you have shown of Pytlik, your work is every bit as good. I also took a look at his website, and I like your form creations much better. The dye work is neat, but a little over the top for my tastes. I do like the blues, but some of the others - not so much. However, I am sure the dye techniques were informative. Was he using the Procion dyes? I just bought some for the vivid colors, and look forward to trying them - perhaps in a more subdued fashion, if that is possible??!! Seems the words "vivid" and "subdued" should not appear in the same discussion!!

Mike Cruz
11-13-2011, 7:43 AM
Kathy, you lucky dog, you... I've been trying my hardest to get tree trimmers to NOT send stuff to the folks that sell it for firewood. But they never call ME. I feel like an ambulance chaser...

That is some pretty wood, and I've never heard of it. Can't wait to see what it looks like.

Greg Just
11-13-2011, 8:17 AM
WOW - you seem to have a never ending supply of wood to turn. Lucky you. Tree trimmers are probably happy to give to wood to you rather than feeding it through the old chipper. I love the grain on that hollow form.

With regards to the dyes, those are really pretty, but in my opinion, sometimes the dyes go too far and transform the wood into making it look like glass. My preference is to use dyes to accentuate the grain in the wood, not to completely cover it up. We are woodturners not glassblowers. Just my 2 cents.

Baxter Smith
11-13-2011, 8:56 AM
Nice hollowform and neat pictures Kathy! The blue dye is pretty wild! Lucky you on the tree trimmers, though I would be stressed out trying to keep up with a supply that seems to be delivered by the trailerload on a weekly basis!

Steve Schlumpf
11-13-2011, 10:24 AM
I really like your hollow form! Pretty wood - great form!

Congrats on attending a demo with Chris Pytlik! I have admired his work for many years now and to be able to sit in on one of his demos would be a real treat!

Also - congrats on all the wood! Will be interesting to see how much the wood moves once turned! Sure looks like some pretty stuff!

Bernie Weishapl
11-13-2011, 10:58 AM
Looking good Kathy. I really like that HF.

charlie knighton
11-13-2011, 11:28 AM
you stay plenty busy, like the look of the sissoo

Curt Fuller
11-13-2011, 12:19 PM
I have to wonder if the guys working at the tree trimming company wonder what that crazy lady does with all the wood;):D. You don't just get a lot of wood, you also get a great variety.

Chris Pytlik is a local turner from Salt Lake City so I've gotten to see his work at some of the local art shows. Seeing his work up close and in person is really something. Pictures can't do it justice.

And, the Mulberry HF is nice. I have a few chunks of mulberry to work on this winter myself.

Steve bellinger
11-13-2011, 2:10 PM
Kathy nice gloat and that Hf really great. looking foward to seeing some of that new dye on a piece or 3.

Roland Martin
11-13-2011, 2:14 PM
Wow Kathy, you are a blessed woman. A great looking HF for sure, not much grass grows under your feet:D

Roger Chandler
11-13-2011, 2:20 PM

With all the wood you get, you might just be the only turner on this forum that will have to take a vacation to get away from turning!

Dick Wilson
11-13-2011, 2:24 PM
Kathy, Your Avatar must be a picture of you in the shop. You are a busy lady who is going to be a lot busier with that load. Good for you. I have seen Sisso mentioned before. What is it exactly....perhaps a name I would recoginize?

Kathy Marshall
11-13-2011, 11:30 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone!

Kathy, you have a wonderful relationship with that tree trimmer!!! No wonder you have to turn 12 hours/day!!

That is a beautiful HF of the mulberry, and looks like that Sissoo is going to some special stuff, too. From the pieces you have shown of Pytlik, your work is every bit as good. I also took a look at his website, and I like your form creations much better. The dye work is neat, but a little over the top for my tastes. I do like the blues, but some of the others - not so much. However, I am sure the dye techniques were informative. Was he using the Procion dyes? I just bought some for the vivid colors, and look forward to trying them - perhaps in a more subdued fashion, if that is possible??!! Seems the words "vivid" and "subdued" should not appear in the same discussion!!
John, not sure if he was using procion dyes, all I remember about that is that he uses powdered metal compound dyes (I forgot to bring a notebook, so there was a little bit of information overload). He mixes the dye with acetone instead of DNA.

I have to wonder if the guys working at the tree trimming company wonder what that crazy lady does with all the wood;):D. You don't just get a lot of wood, you also get a great variety.

Chris Pytlik is a local turner from Salt Lake City so I've gotten to see his work at some of the local art shows. Seeing his work up close and in person is really something. Pictures can't do it justice.

And, the Mulberry HF is nice. I have a few chunks of mulberry to work on this winter myself.
They don't have to wonder Curt, they have lots of examples displayed in their living room :D


With all the wood you get, you might just be the only turner on this forum that will have to take a vacation to get away from turning!
The only vacation I have planned is for the the symposium in San Jose next year, that's about as far away from turning as I'll get!

Kathy, Your Avatar must be a picture of you in the shop. You are a busy lady who is going to be a lot busier with that load. Good for you. I have seen Sisso mentioned before. What is it exactly....perhaps a name I would recoginize?
Dalbegia Sissoo is Indian Rosewood, related to East Indian Rosewood, Cocobolo, Kingwood, Tulipwood, etc. They are all Dalbergias.

Mike Cruz
11-14-2011, 7:46 AM
Aaaaaahhhhh, yes, Kathy. I can see the grain pattern and color like Rosewood and Cocobolo. Thanks.

Tom Winship
11-14-2011, 8:44 AM
Kathy, beautiful as usual. I'm estimating you turn more wood than most people in this locale burn in the winter. One of these days, hopefully.