View Full Version : Spalted Ambrosia Box - Turning in my world

Roger Chandler
11-12-2011, 5:33 PM
A couple of weeks ago, Tony De Masi and Mike Cruz came by for a creeker visit and a test drive on my Monster hollowing rig. Mike left me with several pieces of wood...........one of which was a piece of dark, spalted ambrosia maple. I have not had time to turn any since back in the first part of August........I thought I would see what I could do with this little piece of dark maple that Mike brought me [Thanks Mike!]

As of late on this turners forum, there has been a box craze..........seemingly started by KM, but some others have taken some inspiration...............well boxes happen to be one of my favorite styles of forms to do, and they are usually liked by most folks who receive them.

In my world you never know what will happen to either keep you from turning altogether or interrupt when you finally do get one started............[my vocation is Clergy] .........anyway, sure enough, right as I was just putting the last bit of sanding on the outside [still have to return to the inside to smooth it out a little] and putting some shellac to pop the grain, and help with the punky wood to stiffen the fibers; then I got a call about a death..............had to stop everything, [ bad timing for a finish in progress, but first things come first]

Anyway, got back to it a couple or so hours later...........this has now had the shellac sanded back and one coat of antique oil on it. Still needs some work, but that will come another day.............

This kind of thing, or other emergencies happen a lot..............at times I find it difficult to get a work even started, or finished...........that is a little of my world and work, but I am honored to serve those who need the ministry I can give.


Steve Schlumpf
11-12-2011, 5:40 PM
Very nice work Roger! Good looking Maple and I like the simple decoration on the box! Keep up the good work.... and I hope you get some more turning in as well!

John Keeton
11-12-2011, 5:46 PM
Well done, Roger! Great wood, and grain match, and a very nice design.

My guess is that you take comfort in helping others, so your church has the right guy!

Roger Chandler
11-12-2011, 5:56 PM
John and Steve......

I am looking forward to getting some time to turn something really nice..........this was just a quick little something to try to remember how to hold a gouge! I believe I have skills that are superior to what this piece shows, but far too little time to try and do something to display it a little..............that will come ........hopefully before too long.

I generally have too many plates spinning at once, but things seem to come in cycles............I will get one of those times when things quieten down a bit, and maybe I can catch up on some things I have in my head to do.

Thanks both of you for the encouragement you have given ..............I started coming to this forum almost 2 years ago.......you both have been big helps to me................wow, time flies!

Bernie Weishapl
11-12-2011, 10:11 PM
Roger I do like that box. Really nice looking wood and grain match was excellent. I agree with getting some down time to do what you want and do something nice.

Lee Koepke
11-12-2011, 10:20 PM
The great thing about wood .... its always there for you! Thats a very nice piece of maple!

Mike Cruz
11-12-2011, 11:27 PM
Wow, Roger, that was quick! I think you did the wood proud. I really like it. Honestly, I couldn't even tell whick line was the where the lid came off! The grain pattern matched up beautifully. Not sure where that one will end up, but be a neat piece on your coffee table with your other turnings. Thanks for turning it, and thanks for sharing the pics!

Kathy Marshall
11-13-2011, 12:26 AM
Neat little box Roger!

Baxter Smith
11-13-2011, 9:16 AM
Pretty box Roger. I like the design and the wood!

David Reed
11-13-2011, 11:17 AM
Roger, the understated beauty of this piece with its subtle embellishments and a lovely piece of material make for a lovely box. The grain match is excellent.

charlie knighton
11-13-2011, 11:25 AM
well done with the va maple, like the inside of your top

James Combs
11-13-2011, 11:53 AM
Roger, the understated beauty of this piece with its subtle embellishments and a lovely piece of material make for a lovely box. The grain match is excellent.

What David said. Especially the grain match.

Curt Fuller
11-13-2011, 12:09 PM
Roger, that is really a pretty box. Your comment about the boxes being liked by those that receive them is very much the way it is in my world too. I get a lot of pleasure from making small boxes, ornaments, and such and then giving them as gifts.

Roger Chandler
11-13-2011, 1:08 PM
Thank you everyone! You are all so gracious.............I hope to make something really pretty before too long.........hope it works out!

Roger Chandler
11-13-2011, 1:14 PM
Wow, Roger, that was quick! I think you did the wood proud. I really like it. Honestly, I couldn't even tell whick line was the where the lid came off! The grain pattern matched up beautifully. Not sure where that one will end up, but be a neat piece on your coffee table with your other turnings. Thanks for turning it, and thanks for sharing the pics!


I would be most happy if you would like to have this little box............it maybe could serve to remind you of our visit together................I would be honored if you think you could find a place for it at your house.........maybe your better half would think about it.........you could show her the pics in the thread........if she does not like it, then that is fine, she is not obligated.....

Just thought since it was your wood, then maybe you would like it, or her................let me know.........I still have a little sanding and finish to do on the inside and another coat of finish on the outside as well.

Roland Martin
11-13-2011, 1:57 PM
Great looking piece of ambrisia and the box came out excellent.

Mike Cruz
11-13-2011, 7:59 PM
Roger, my intention of giving you that wood was not to get the finished product from it. It is, however, a very gracious offer. I showed it to my wife and her response upon seeing it was, "It's beatiful." When I told her that you wanted to know if she would like it, she replied, "I would love it!" That said, I gave you the wood for you, not to get something out of it. But if you want us to have it, we would be honored.

Thom Sturgill
11-13-2011, 8:15 PM
Roger, that is a very nice box. As others have said very good grain match and the slight detail of the grooves makes the line separating the top and bottom very much part of the overall design rather than a distraction.

Roger Chandler
11-13-2011, 8:52 PM
Roger, my intention of giving you that wood was not to get the finished product from it. It is, however, a very gracious offer. I showed it to my wife and her response upon seeing it was, "It's beatiful." When I told her that you wanted to know if she would like it, she replied, "I would love it!" That said, I gave you the wood for you, not to get something out of it. But if you want us to have it, we would be honored.

It would please me Mike, for your wife to have it............I know you did not give the wood to get it back, however, one of the joys I have in turning is to see someone else blessed..............I will get it finished and send it to you.

Send me a PM with your mailing address............might be a week or two, depending on how quick I can get to finishing it and how cold it gets..........

Roger Chandler
11-13-2011, 8:52 PM
Roger, that is a very nice box. As others have said very good grain match and the slight detail of the grooves makes the line separating the top and bottom very much part of the overall design rather than a distraction.

Thank you Thom..........I appreciate your comments!

Donny Lawson
11-13-2011, 10:14 PM
Very nice little box. Ambrosia maple is a good wood to work with.

Roger Chandler
11-14-2011, 9:20 AM
Thanks Mike for the PM.........I'll get it finished and sent along as soon as I can............I am glad you and your wife are receiving this...........that makes me happy..............I hope she enjoys finding a suitable place in her decor for it, and some useful purpose for which to use it.

Mike Cruz
11-14-2011, 9:37 AM
Roger, not sure where it will go yet, but we just completed an addition to the house. The furniture we are having made for the guest room (yes, it is being made...not by me...just don't have the time to do it) is walnut and ambrosia maple. Your piece might find a prominent place there...

Tony De Masi
11-17-2011, 8:04 AM
Very nice work on this piece Roger and a nice gesture to Mike.

Roger Chandler
11-17-2011, 8:17 AM
Very nice work on this piece Roger and a nice gesture to Mike.

After I take it to the "show & tell" at our club meeting, I am going to send it to his wife........she's probably got better taste than he does anyway! :D:D;)

Mike Cruz
11-17-2011, 8:29 AM
Only in the company she choses...:D

Roger Chandler
11-17-2011, 8:35 AM
Only in the company she choses...:D

Touche'..............Mike! :p:D:)