View Full Version : Material for cork faced bulletin board?

Larry Browning
03-04-2005, 1:43 PM
I am wanting to make a bulletin board for behind my desk. I want to make a nice wooden frame with a cork faced bulletin board in it. I know I can buy a roll of thin cork material that can be glued to a base of some kind. What is that base made out of? And where can I get me some?


Lou Morrissette
03-04-2005, 2:49 PM

I've seen rolls of sheet cork in Staples.


Michael Perata
03-04-2005, 2:52 PM
Try to locate sound deadening wall board. It is usually 1/4" thick so you may need to use it doubled.

Greg Johnson
03-04-2005, 4:14 PM

I have made some corkboards and used sheetrock as a backer for the cork. Thumbtacks go into the cork/sheetrock real easy, and hold well.


Jamie Buxton
03-04-2005, 5:12 PM
For a small bulletin board, just get thick cork sheet so you don't need to mess around with laminating it to something else. Saving a coupla bucks isn't worth the work.

Jelinek Cork (www.corkstore.com) is a good source for cork sheets of all sizes and shapes.

Mark Stutz
03-04-2005, 8:43 PM
I haven't tried it, but I suspect Homosote would make a good backer for the cork.

Per Swenson
03-04-2005, 9:06 PM
Hi, this is green felt on 1/2 homasote (messages removed)
And it has to be at least 15 years old.
I hope this helps. Per

Larry Browning
03-04-2005, 9:30 PM
I haven't tried it, but I suspect Homosote would make a good backer for the cork.
Homosote???? I have never heard of this. What is it? how thick is it? and where would I find such a thing?
The sheetrock idea is kinda neat, but wouldn't it get "holy" over time?


Mark Stutz
03-04-2005, 10:04 PM
It is a pressed paper product that comes in 4 X 8 sheets, 1/2 in thick. I used it as a train board when I started doing model trains years ago. Lightweight, cuts easily, and pinholes sort of self repair. I think it can be used as a bedboard, and if I recall, someone here has used it for either sound deadening on walls or as insulation. Not sure if the BORG carries it but lumber yards should.

Bryan Nuss
03-05-2005, 5:46 AM
Another thing you might use is "ten-test" or "Donnaconna" board, if they still make it. It's a soft composition board, usually 1/2" thick. It's commonly used as a bond-breaker for concrete slabs in it's asphalt-impregnated version,