View Full Version : Help ID lathe on CL - Comments, advice?

Doug Herzberg
11-11-2011, 9:33 AM
212625Found this on Craigslist this morning. The ad says it is a wood lathe with 17" swing and 7 feet between centers. Total bed length 9.5 feet. Any idea what it is? Photo is poor, but could it have a gap between the bed and the headstock to allow for a larger swing? Looks old - what should I look for if I go see it? Assume I could replace bearings, upgrade motor.

Update. This is one of those CL posts with only an e-mail contact. So far, the seller hasn't responded, so maybe it sold, maybe s/he hasn't checked e-mail. Thank you to all who looked. I will post again if I learn anything.

It' no longer on CL. I'm guessing someone snapped it up. It was only there a few hours before I wrote to the seller. Thanks again for looking.