View Full Version : Wedding Ring

Jon McElwain
11-11-2011, 2:34 AM
So this is sort of turning related. Last spring, before our annual migration from Colorado to Alaska I lost my wedding ring. I could not find it before we left, and since I was confident that I had lost it in the house or the shop someplace, we decided to not look into buying a new one until we got back to Colorado and had some more time to look. Well, two days ago, I told my wife that I wanted to go ahead and get a new one. Our anniversary is in 2 weeks, and she told me that I would have one before then.

Tonight, I was cleaning up around the shop and decided to put some things away that were in a box under the lathe. The box had been there since before we left for Alaska and still had some shavings in it. I had pulled the miscellaneous items out and was about to dump the shavings and sawdust when I heard something metal rattling around in the bottom. I figured it was an odd bolt or something, but low and behold, my gold wedding band. I think I'm going to start keeping the shavings picked up a little better from now on!

Now I get to celebrate our anniversary with the ring my wife gave me 12 years ago. Sappy little story, but I thought I'd share it.

Andrew Kertesz
11-11-2011, 6:27 AM
Congratulations on the find!! That type of thing always gives you a lift. Happy Anniversary!!

Michelle Rich
11-11-2011, 6:49 AM
sappy, but cool! happy Anniversary!

Roger Chandler
11-11-2011, 6:52 AM
A new one would not have meant as much as the original........glad you found it, and happy Anniversary!

Greg Just
11-11-2011, 7:58 AM
Great story. I lost my wedding ring many years ago only to find it later in a leather gardening glove I had been wearing. Amazing how they can slip off. Happy Turnings Jon!

thomas prusak
11-11-2011, 8:46 AM
Not sappy. Very cool and happy anniversary

Thom Sturgill
11-11-2011, 8:54 AM
Glad you found it, and happy anniversary!

I lost mine many many years ago because as an electronics technician, I did not wear it when working, and it disappeared from the barracks in Nam. As a turner, I would suggest a chain with a clasp that you can put it on and tuck into your shirt while using power tools.

Betty Fox
11-11-2011, 10:24 AM
I once read about a firefighter who couldn't wear his wedding ring. His wife was ok with that because she didn't want him to get hurt while wearing it on the job. It really bothered him that he couldn't wear it so for their anniversary one year he had a wedding ring tattooed on his finger.
Glad you found it but not having it doesn't make you less married. :) Just sayin'.

Paul Merrill
11-11-2011, 10:43 AM
So does that mean, that the money you were going to use to buy the new ring, can be used on a new turning tool???

Jon McElwain
11-11-2011, 11:28 AM
Wow! Thank you all for the anniversary wishes! Really looking forward to it this year.

A new one would not have meant as much as the original........glad you found it, and happy Anniversary!
Very true, this one has all the dings, nicks and scratches that remind me of the wonderful years of "better or worse!"

not having it doesn't make you less married. :) Just sayin'.
Amen, my sentiments exactly!!

So does that mean, that the money you were going to use to buy the new ring, can be used on a new turning tool???
Okay, now that got a good chuckle out of me! I'll have to run the by the LOML... Might get a chuckle out of her too!! :D

David E Keller
11-11-2011, 11:31 AM
If it ever goes missing again, you might give some thought to turning one... They're a lot less durable than metallic rings, but I'll bet they're safer around power tools. Happy Anniversary!

Steve Schlumpf
11-11-2011, 11:44 AM
Great story! Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing!!

Betty Fox
11-11-2011, 11:50 AM
At least you didn't have to plow through garbage to find it;

That's dedication. :)

Jon McElwain
11-11-2011, 12:26 PM
At least you didn't have to plow through garbage to find it;

That's dedication. :)

Nothing says "I love you" like being willing to wade through a mountain of garbage! You can bet his wife found some great ways to return the favor!! :eek:

John Spitters
11-11-2011, 1:23 PM
This brings to mind what happened to my father with his wedding ring.
24yrs back we lost our mother to cancer at the age of 61, that same year my father happened to have lost his wedding ring while doing some gardening. He knew that he lost it some where in one of the flower beds and he searched for days in hopes of finding it but never did. This loss greatly upset him.
Now the only reason that my father was tending the flower beds was because this is what my mother was fanatical about, himself he actually had little time to look after them as he was a dairy farmer and that in itself kept him extreamly busy, so he was keeping them up for love of his wife.
He continued to look after these flower beds for a number of years in memory of her, then low and behold 3 yrs later he found his wedding band in one of the beds. My father passed away 14 yrs back and to this day I can still picture the joy in his face when he found that ring.
