View Full Version : Display case or lidded box

Jerry Marcantel
11-10-2011, 11:37 AM
Last year I was out in the desert and found an old TV that someone had illegally dumped. Before I found it, someone else did, and being the sort of people who have this affinity for breaking any glass they can find, they/he/she threw a large rock into the picture tube. When I found it, I was eccstatic, as there were several peices about 3/4" thick x 6" wide x 20" long... I took them home and then gave my best effort into knapping them. To my surprise, I managed to get one blade 2 1/4" wide x 16 1/4" long, one 12" long, and several around 9"..... Those are my largest blades I've ever made and will probably be the last. The knapping gods were favoring me the next 3 days.
I wanted to make a case for the largest blade so it would not get broken. First I thought I'd just make a typical rectangular display case, but then I remembered a comment Steve Schlumpf made on welcoming me to SMC. I had mentioned that my passion is flint knapping, and he said he would be looking forward to seeing both my knapping and turnings combined, or something to that effect.
Any way, I got a piece of mesquite about 6" od x 22" long and proceeded to turn it to the same shape as the blade.212581.
After I was somewhat happy with the shape, I removed it from the lathe, attached square blocks to each end and made the necessary cuts on my table saw.212582212583 I know the pics look like it's dangerous, but it was pretty secure with the blocks on each end. Anyway, I made 3 cuts to get what I needed, then I set up the dado set to cut out the feet. Sorry, no pics for that. I then made a pattern of the blade, taped it to the piece that is the lid, and used my pin router to hog out the opening. I then taped the lid onto the body and proceeded to hog that out also with a top bearing router bit. That way both the lid and body had the same size cavity. I then got a rabbet router bit and routed the lid for glass, then sat down with a file and sanding block to final shape the feet.212584 After that I made the mortises for the hinges and finished with Watco Medium walnut and laquer...... My biggest problem was finding a clasp that wouldn't cost me 3 gallons of gas and 2 hours drive to get it. I went to a "Michaels" store and bought a wooden box for $1.98 to get it, and I still have the cheap Chinese box to boot..... Pretty long winded story, huh????
Anyway, here is the finished piece.212586212587212588Thanks for looking and C welcomed...... Jerry (in Tucson)

Roland Martin
11-10-2011, 11:46 AM
This is a very well thought out display box, Jerry, and absolutely well executed & stunning to boot, with a tutorial. Thanks for sharing!!

Jesse Goodwin
11-10-2011, 11:58 AM
Very ingenious use of resources. I love the originality and the finished product.

When I die, just bury me in my shavings!

John Keeton
11-10-2011, 12:05 PM
Jerry, that is some really nice work - both the uniquely styled turning and the knapping. Just very nice!

Michelle Rich
11-10-2011, 12:07 PM
I love seeing recyled material..love the display box idea

Ted Calver
11-10-2011, 12:15 PM
Jerry, That's just too cool!!! Great recycling, knapping and turning! I can imagine a sci-fi warrior finding those pieces in the desert and making some magical weapon. Nice work!!

Ian Jeffcock
11-10-2011, 12:53 PM
Jerry, beautiful job on both. I tried a little flint knapping many moons ago. But nothing like that though.

James Combs
11-10-2011, 1:14 PM
Nice display Jerry. Love the shape and color.

BTW what did you use as a striker for knapping the TV glass?

Mike Cruz
11-10-2011, 3:33 PM
I don't know what to say but...wow.

charlie knighton
11-10-2011, 3:47 PM
Jerry, i have a piece of your work, and i know that the pictures do not really show the quality of your work. the size of these pieces are amazing for knapping, imo. i love your mesquite box, and good idea for acquiring the latches, i will have to remember that one.

very nice, thanks for sharing

Steve Schlumpf
11-10-2011, 4:15 PM
Well - you made me wait but it sure was worth it! Beautiful work Jerry! Never seen anything like it!!

Jon McElwain
11-10-2011, 5:13 PM
Best use of a TV I have ever seen! Nice to see multiple disciplines represented in one project. Great looking piece!

Jim Burr
11-10-2011, 5:15 PM
Dogonit!! that is what I call "Stupid Smart" it's so stupid easy that I'd never have thought of it! Really cool idea and great looking to boot!

Jerry Marcantel
11-10-2011, 6:34 PM
Thanks, everyone, for the comments....Since I joined SMC, I've been racking my walnut sized brain trying to incorporate something turned with all the points I've made, and this was the golden opportunity to do so.....

BTW what did you use as a striker for knapping the TV glass?

James, I used a solid 1" copper billit at the start, then switched to a lead filled copper cap bopper. I'm in the process of making a bunch, and when I get them done,Ii'll post them as the handles are mesquite and turned to fit each size copper cap that I use....... Antler is too rare here in Arizona, and no one wants to give up their hunting trophies either... ....... Jerry (in Tucson)

Baxter Smith
11-10-2011, 6:49 PM
That is one heck of a blade Jerry and a very nice case to boot. I don't believe I will ever see another one like this. Great job on both!

Rick Markham
11-10-2011, 6:49 PM
Jerry that is really incredible! I love the shape of the box, it's spectacular. The knapping is one of the coolest things I have seen, How long did it take you to do the knapping? That is spectacular :)

Bernie Weishapl
11-10-2011, 7:03 PM
Beautiful Jerry. Love the shape.

Jerry Marcantel
11-10-2011, 7:44 PM
Jerry, The knapping is one of the coolest things I have seen, How long did it take you to do the knapping? :)

Rick, it only took me about an hour and a half. As I said earlier, I was having a run of good luck on this one. Usually I start large, and then forced to reduce them down to what most people call bird points. My intent has always been, "Bigger is Better". In this case, it worked out for me. The real challenge was turning the form to house the blade....... Jerry (in Tucson)