View Full Version : Giving two old friends a workout

steven c newman
11-09-2011, 10:43 AM
Had to level a top for a blanket chest. What better way than to grab a couple hand planes? Top is made up of some old reclaimed Oak that used to be rafters. I had a Red One as a scrub plane, and an old #4 (??) Defience (sp) smooth plane. Ye Olde Liberty Bell plane was tried out as well. 212466212467212468Picture #1 is the Red One, #2 is a picture of the two planes used. That hammer in the background is to "set" the blade depth on Red One. #3 is a picture of what I have to work with, the cost? Just gas money for a 10 mile round trip. These are a full 8/4 thick, by 4-3/4 wide. Mostly white oak, although there WAS a "joist" (2x8x10') that was Black Cherry.:eek: Just an old garage that was torn down...:D

Zach England
11-09-2011, 11:10 AM
Did someone paint that plane red or did they come from the factory like that? I have never seen a plane with painted sides.

steven c newman
11-09-2011, 11:40 AM
That be the factory finish. Great Neck back in the 80s. Turned out to be a decent scrub plane, though.

Bill Moser
11-09-2011, 7:00 PM
Wow, imagine using white oak or cherry for framing now! I'm glad you recovered it -- how much wood did you end up getting?
ps. it's "Defiance"

Dale Cruea
11-09-2011, 8:17 PM
Steven, Some people have all the good fortune. The only wood I ever get free is stuff that has been in someones back yard for 10 or more years and is so twisted you can't use for anything but firewood.
Nice find.
I am in Indiana if you NEED to get rid of some of your find.

steven c newman
11-10-2011, 11:12 AM
The "garage" was a one stall type. Still have a full truck load to haul away. There are a few 6by 6 beams in the pile as well. The Defiance plane was my late Father in law's. The Red One I got a long time ago. FWIW: Look around at some of the older barns out there, if any are about to fall down, ASK the owner IF you could do the work of tearing it down, hauling away. Mention that it would save him $$$$, and he wouldn't have to burn the mess.