View Full Version : Gizmo assissted

sam upton
11-09-2011, 10:32 AM
212460212461212462212459 Ok, It is time to get your comments on these hollow forms that I have done with my new GIZMO. From left to right, 1) Honduran Rosewood Burl 7 1/2 " tall x 5 3/4 " accross, 2) Honduran Rosewood Burl 3" tall xs 4 " accross, 3) Big Leaf Maple 6" x 3" dyed green, 4) Big Leaf Maple 5 1/2 " x 3 1/2 " dyed blue.
These were my 1st attempt at adding color & after sanding the green one back down to almost natural & starting over, I was pleased with the look.

Thanks for looking & as always all comments will be appriaciated.

John Keeton
11-09-2011, 10:57 AM
First of all - congrats on the Gizmo! I took a look at this system in St. Paul and it appears to be a nice setup. I like what you are doing here - particularly with the green form. Nice work!

Jamie Donaldson
11-09-2011, 10:58 AM
I have a suggestion to improve your photos Sam, as several of these images exhibit barrel distortion caused by shooting up too close with a wide angle focal length lens setting. Move the camera further away and zoom in to eliminate the optical distortions apparent in the center of your turnings. These nice big pieces have outgrown your photo enclosure, and I especially like the green form, so I won't mention anything about the wrinkles in the background material at the bases.;)

Scott Hackler
11-09-2011, 11:00 AM
Congrats on the Gizmo. It is a very nice setup. I have demo'd it at both symposiums I attended and liked it. The green dyed form is my favorite because of the coloring and tall slender shape.

Jim Burr
11-09-2011, 1:42 PM
Make more!

Bernie Weishapl
11-09-2011, 1:52 PM
Congrats on the gizzmo. I also like the 2nd one and green one.

sam upton
11-09-2011, 4:22 PM
Yes, as it turned out, the green caused many people to stop & take a better look at my display at our subdivision yearly bazaar over the week end......And it found a proud new owner.

Baxter Smith
11-09-2011, 5:30 PM
Congrats on finding a new owner for the green one Sam. They all have some pretty grain!

David E Keller
11-09-2011, 7:51 PM
Neat stuff, Sam! I'm glad to hear the gizmo is getting a proper workout! The second piece really grabs my attention... It looks like you managed an inverted natural edge... That's got me scratching my head!