View Full Version : Internet Videos?

Kyle Brooks
11-08-2011, 6:30 PM
Just curious if there are any website videos that fellow Creekers watch? I do like to watch some of Marks on the Woodwhisper every once in a while. Just curious if there are any more out there and what everyone else is doing? Thanks Kyle

Robert Maloney
11-08-2011, 7:51 PM
I subscribe to Charles Neil's Mastering Woodworking Site. He has weekly webisodes that cover different builds from the beginning to end. To me they are very informative and I have learned a tremendous amount in the short time I have been watching them. You can also check out some of his videos on You Tube.

Matt Kestenbaum
11-08-2011, 9:18 PM
Before Tommy MacDonald landed Rough Cut on TV, he was doing video casts on the web. They were great...very raw and real...there was one set in particular where he is building (over 30 video installments for several months) a bombe secretary out of two massive slabs of mahogany. There were installments that captured the hand numbing detail of scrub planing the sides for days (cut in/cut out/cut in/etc) and some amazing installments where he realized he has made some major mistakes: a glue-up panel with a molded edge that raises the gallery off of the bottom of the upper cabinet will not match the curves of the gallery itself. It needs to be chopped and scraped out. He filmed himself ripping and hacking at the piece, cursing and spitting as he goes. He looks positively nauseated and on the verge of tears. He shuts off the camera and when he comes back it is two day later and he admits that he has been drunk all weekend and will get back to work in the morning. It may be one of the only times a tv/video/professional woodworker that i've seen not only deals with a big mistake, but also the tremendous risk/reward that builds and builds on a big project.

Jim Rimmer
11-09-2011, 1:53 PM
Here's a recent thread on a similar subject: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?174369-I-think-it-is-time-to-give-up-watching-woodworking-on-TV.

And if you don't mind watching a rank amateur, here's a series of videos I have made about building some A&C Bedside tables. Warts and all: http://www.youtube.com/user/RimmerJim?feature=mhee