View Full Version : HVLP Question

Gregg Feldstone
11-07-2011, 10:05 PM
I just ordered the Earlex HV5500 system. How thick of a finish can I spray with this machine and still get a good result.
I'm interested in mainly using it for clear finishing products like varnish, shellac, poly etc.

Rick Thom
11-07-2011, 10:39 PM
Gregg, I haven't specific knowledge about the 5500 but i have the 5000 which I believe is very similar, and am happy with it. With poly and varnish, I've been thinning it @ 5% with good results, and I sprayed some Tremclad oil-based rust paint, also thinned @5% and it came out good. They give you a measuring device that helps determine the right viscosity.

Gregg Feldstone
11-07-2011, 10:50 PM
Thanks Rick. Since I am new to this I have a lot to learn about thinning/cutting. I have a few thick books on finishing but was wondering if anyone can direct me to a good chart which explains cutting ratios and a table of appropriate thinning agents for various finishes.

Mike Nguyen
11-08-2011, 12:04 AM
Gregg, I got this same Earlex 5500 a few months ago and have sprayed about 4 gallons of General Finish EF PolyAcrylic, 1 gallon of high performance poly with excellent result. I did not thin any of them and used the 1.5 mm nozzle to spray. Go to Harbor Freight and get the filters. They are about 6 bucks for a box of 50. When you spray, keep a damp towel with you to wipe off the nozzle when you see a white dry poly on the tip. Also use the damp tower to wrap the nozzle if you need to stop for awhile.

Rick Thom
11-08-2011, 5:41 AM
Thanks Rick. Since I am new to this I have a lot to learn about thinning/cutting. I have a few thick books on finishing but was wondering if anyone can direct me to a good chart which explains cutting ratios and a table of appropriate thinning agents for various finishes.
Gregg, I'm somewhat new to spraying but not new to finishing. Good technique is important. There's a lot of info around on the 5000 that will be useful for you. http://thewoodwhisperer.com/episode-45-music-to-my-earlex/