View Full Version : Another Creeker Visit

Mike Cruz
11-07-2011, 8:09 AM
Alternate title: Meeting of the Powermatic Lathe Restorers

Doug Morgan and I have been talking about getting together for quite a while now. And it finally happened! We've both restored Powermatic lathes and posted the processes here on the Creek. I thought we'd have hours to discuss about our lathes. Instead, we only had about 30 minutes of that. The other 5 hours was chatting like we were old friends. Doug was an absolute pleasure to meet. Really good guy.

I always enjoy meeting Creekers, giving a shop tour, and chatting...ok, and having a beer or two (no spills!) Putting faces and personalities with names makes this place feel more and more like home.

Thanks, Doug, for taking time out of your trip to stop by. You are welcome anytime.

Oh, and sorry no pics. My camera is in the shop...I'll have to get one next time.

Bernie Weishapl
11-07-2011, 11:18 AM
Sounds like a good time Mike. Creeker visits are the best and have several.

Tony De Masi
11-07-2011, 3:12 PM
Sound like a fun time. I guess I didn't get that email.:rolleyes:

Roger Chandler
11-07-2011, 3:16 PM
Sound like a fun time. I guess I didn't get that email.:rolleyes:

Yeah, Tony.............I guess this elitist PM restoration crowd has trouble with us riffraff.....:rolleyes:.......I didn't get an email either! :D

Mike Cruz
11-07-2011, 4:00 PM
Oooooh, now I'm waiting for Peter to guilt at me, too....

Actually, I had told Doug that I could arrange for the other locals to be here, but we hadn't decided on the day until Saturday, and the time changed a few times (my schedule, not his) and ended up being 5 pm.

Next time he's in town, I'll give ya'll cry babies as much notice as I can.

Roger Chandler
11-07-2011, 4:09 PM
Oooooh, now I'm waiting for Peter to guilt at me, too.... Next time he's in town, I'll give ya'll cry babies as much notice as I can.

:D:D:D:D:D Sorry Mike............had to yank your chain just a little! ;)

Tony De Masi
11-07-2011, 4:37 PM
He is very much used to that Roger.

Mike Cruz
11-07-2011, 5:19 PM
Yeah, Roger, these bozos stick the knife in and turn whenever they get a chance. :rolleyes: :D

Dan Hintz
11-07-2011, 7:51 PM
Yeah, Roger, these bozos stick the knife in and turn whenever they get a chance. :rolleyes: :D
I don't remember getting my invite! It's irrelevant that I likely couldn't attend...

Mike Cruz
11-07-2011, 8:52 PM
See what I mean?!?!?!

Peter Elliott
11-07-2011, 9:32 PM
It's kinda like going through high school together. Best buddies forever and all of sudden "one" breaks loose and the gang is never the same..

We had such big plans :(

Mike Cruz
11-07-2011, 10:11 PM
Peter, I just peed myself. That was hilarious. Don't worry, we're all still BFF's. DAMP til the end.

Dan Hintz
11-08-2011, 5:57 AM
Peter, I just peed myself... DAMP til the end.
You can say that again...

David Warkentin
11-08-2011, 12:40 PM
So if/when I restore mine can I come to the next PM restorers club meeting?

Mike Cruz
11-08-2011, 2:23 PM
WHEN you come by, you're invited regardless of what stage your PM is in, David.