View Full Version : 3/4" Woodslicer on GO555X (w/riser)

Todd Young
11-06-2011, 11:39 AM
I've tried searching through the many posts about who uses what blades on what saws but I haven't come across any GO555X owners using anything larger than a 1/2" WS for resawing. There may those threads be out there, but I'm not finding them. The GO555X manuals states it can accommodate 1/8" - 3/4" blades so I thought I would take the plunge to get the widest blade I could to re-sawing, but I don't see where many (if any) 555X owners are using more than 1/2".

I'm a new rider on the bandsaw wagon so here's my question:

Any GO555X (w/riser) owners using 3/4 WS blades? If there very few or none at all, is it safe to assume it's because of not being able to tension it properly?

I've already bought the 3/4" WS and am about to install it (with the Grizzly cool block kit) but wanted to check with the more experienced users before just trudging along.

On another note, what's the secret to getting BS blades not being used rolled for storage? :confused: I feel like I'm raking leaves in a cyclone when I'm trying.

Thanks as usual for any feedback.....


Dan Friedrichs
11-06-2011, 11:55 AM
This probably won't help you since you already bought the 3/4", but I think many people get excellent resaw results using just the 1/2". I don't have the G0555x, but I do use the 1/2" WS blades and couldn't imagine the results being any better (well, the blade could stay sharp longer, but that's something else!)

Here's a video that shows how to fold bandsaw blades - I can never seem to get the "first" method shown to work, but for shorter blades, the "second" method he shows seems pretty fool-proof.

Neil Brooks
11-06-2011, 12:27 PM
I'm (happily) using the 1/2" WS on my 555X w/riser kit ... because of concern about properly tensioning a 3/4" blade.

Am I SURE I couldn't ? No. But I doubt I'm missing much in the extra 1/4". I get excellent resaw with the 1/2" blade.

Good luck !

Todd Young
11-06-2011, 12:36 PM
Thanks guys. I'd read where you'd want to use the widest blade as your saw can handle, so I plunged for the 3/4 then started realizing that most are using the 1/2" and getting great results. I'll see how it goes as I'm in the middle of grinding down the cool block guides to fit.

Dan, thanks for the link. Makes it look simple. Let me see if I can follow the advice.


Bill White
11-06-2011, 12:39 PM
I'm with Dan. I use the 1/2" 'Slicer with good results.
The second folding method works best for me. Also, USE THE GLOVES AND GOGGLES.
Get you mother-in-law to unfold 'em (snicker).

Todd Young
11-08-2011, 8:38 PM
Wow. Didn't know what I was missing now that I have the WS.

I got the 3/4" blade installed and tensioned and it cuts like butta. I'll go with the 1/2" on the next go round, but man what a difference with the WS.


Dan Friedrichs
11-08-2011, 9:37 PM
Nice, isn't it? :)

They do get dull pretty fast, though. For future reference, the blade stock used is the same that Iturra Designs uses for their "BladeRunner", which they sell for a few bucks less than the Woodslicer. I've bought both, and can confirm that they're the exact same thing.

Howard Acheson
11-09-2011, 9:14 AM
Most of the bandsaw gurus will caution about using a blade wider than 1/2" on a 14" band saw. The blade does not get proper support and tends to wander. In general a wide blade will not give a nice a cut.

Todd Young
11-09-2011, 9:33 AM
Dan, I had seen in other posts where you had mentioned the Inturra Blade Runner and that it was a little cheaper than the WS. I figure now that I have the taste I'll surely be getting some other blades for different applications. I've also heard they do dull quickly.

Howard, on my next and surely most future buys they will be 1/2" max. Figured I already had the 3/4" and didn't want to hassle with the restock and return.

Thanks for the intel guys.


Don Wacker
11-09-2011, 11:12 AM
3/4" blades on 14" bandsaws are to hard on bearing and usually dont get enough tension. I'd switch back to 1/2 and your machine will last alot longer.
