View Full Version : Warm shop thoughts

Scott Hackler
11-04-2011, 10:51 AM
John's thread brings to mind that it is time to offer up a warm place to turn. I have taken the time and money to build an insulated and heated (and cooled!) shop, and if anyone around here, is within driving distance and doesn't have heat in their shop.... well give me a PM and we will set up an afternoon or a day for you to turn on my stuff. The longer you stay away from the lathe, you start loosing muscle memory and frankly its a big bummer.

So if your close by, don't have a heated shop, or just want to get together... let me know. My shop will be made available (or at least shared with me!) :)

Richard Hutchings
11-04-2011, 10:59 AM
When the last of my 3 children got married and moved out, I turned one of their bedrooms into a workshop. Man am I ever loving working in a warm place. It's small but doable.:)

Joe Watson
11-04-2011, 12:40 PM
That's a really kind and thoughtful thing to do, Scott.

Scott T Smith
11-04-2011, 12:44 PM
Scott, that's a great offer! I hope that some nearby woodworkers take you up on it.


Pete Jordan
11-04-2011, 3:19 PM
Very nice Scott!

I have decided not to use my shop this winter to save money. I will still host turner meetings every couple of months.

I am moving my General Mini Lathe to the kitchen till I build a kitchen table. Can you tell I'm single?

Jim Leslie
11-04-2011, 3:50 PM
I am moving my General Mini Lathe to the kitchen till I build a kitchen table. Can you tell I'm single?

If I tried that, I would be!

Rick Markham
11-04-2011, 3:55 PM
I am moving my General Mini Lathe to the kitchen till I build a kitchen table. Can you tell I'm single?

Mine has taken over my entire house... literally. Strangely I'm not single though, I think I might have a keeper... either that or she can't find her way out of the mess :eek::D

Bernie Weishapl
11-04-2011, 7:13 PM
Really nice gesture Scott. I have a older gentleman here in town comes over to my shop during the peak of the heat of the summer and the peak of the cold of winter once or twice a month. He doesn't have heat or air. He said he can stand spring and fall but at 88 yrs old not the heat or cold. He just turns ink pens for gifts and in his hay day built some absolutely beautiful furniture.

Tony Wheeler
11-04-2011, 9:24 PM
Hey scott can I come over every sat on evendays and on sunday on odd days sure would save on my heating bill . But truly this is a nice jester (probably not the right spelling) I live a little north of scott but my shop is always open also but no cooling yet but it's coming after this year. or if you want to bring bring other some of that big ash that wont fit on yours as i have said before come have a spin eventhough it's only yellow not a beauty

David E Keller
11-04-2011, 9:36 PM
I've got the heat/AC/insulation combo, but I still want to make time to head up your direction for a day of turning. I can't imagine anyone would ever be in Enid, OK, but I'm always happy to have guests stop in for a little turning session.

Royce Wallace
11-05-2011, 12:15 AM
Maybe I can drop by and learn something??

Scott Hackler
11-05-2011, 12:32 AM
Maybe I can drop by and learn something??

Ha! I think the only thing you would learn is how to do things the wrong way! (and how messy can a shop be) :)

Scott Hackler
11-05-2011, 12:35 AM
Tony, you wouldn't know how to act on my little ole Nova. Although it does have a little "mustard yellow" on it from all the BLO I have spilled on it! :) If I get that ash on the ground before the next club meeting, I will bring some to share.

Keller, you know your welcome anytime. I just remembered that I haven't boxed up those lights, oooops! Should get the box wrapped up this weekend.