View Full Version : "Creeker" Visit - of a Monster sort

Roger Chandler
11-03-2011, 4:07 PM
Today I had three "Creekers" who came calling to take a look at the Monster Hollowing system I have........they wanted to see it up close and personal and use it in order to determine if they would make the investment themselves.

Tony De Masi, Mike Cruz, and Bruce Stillwell [my neighbor] all came for a turning session.

First up, Mike Cruz and Bruce Stillwell...... 211836 next, both Tony and Mike at the lathe where Tony is working on a hollow form from maple.........

211837211838 next, a pic of the wood that Mike and Tony brought me.......some cherry, some walnut, and spalted maple..........some others also that I will have to look at..........

211839 next some pics of Mike and Tony, then Tony and myself..............

211840211841 Tony got pretty good with the Monster Articulated Hollowing rig, and of course, that Jeff Nicol Steady rest in Grizzly Green is the bomb! :D

Tony and Mike were a pleasure to meet and spend time with at the lathe............both are very personable and down to earth folks.........Bruce is a friend and fellow member of our local club and is always a joy to be around. More later..............:)

Roger Chandler
11-03-2011, 8:09 PM
More pics from the Monster Creeker visit.....


First two are Tony working on the maple HF, and then the form itself on the lathe......last one is Mike Cruz [of restoring the PM90 fame :D] and me.

It was an interesting day with interesting people! I feel like I made some new friends, although they were friends by now anyway because of this forum.............great thing about SMC ............you can make friends around a common interest, and are all the better for it! Thanks to Tony, Mike and Bruce.........and thank you SawMillCreek!

Mike Cruz
11-03-2011, 8:30 PM
Roger, it was a pleasure meeting you and Bruce! You are both class acts. I love meeting new people, especially from the Creek. Putting faces and personalities with names makes all the difference in the world. Hope we get to meet up again.

I have to say that while I didn't try my hand (my very cold hands...I didn't bring a jacket and wore my apron as a poor substitute) at the Monster Jig, but didn't really need to. While watching someone else use something that they are used to using/proficient at using is not always the best gauge for "easy" it is to use, watching Tony try his hand at it with never using it before was extremely helpful. He caught onto it quite quickly...and did a very nice job, I might add. Yeah, I know, I know, there were extra jackets around and I could have thrown one on (they were even offered to me multiple times), but I kept thinking we were going to take a break any minute and I could wait...no, I'm not stubborn...

Thanks, Roger for being a great host, and being so gracious taking time out of your day to demo your Monster hollowing jig for us. Honestly, when I get a hollowing jig, I have absolutely no question that the money will be well spent on the Monster.

Steve Schlumpf
11-03-2011, 8:35 PM
Sure looks like everyone had a fun time! Looking forward to seeing Tony's HF once it is finished!

Roger Chandler
11-03-2011, 9:08 PM
Sure looks like everyone had a fun time! Looking forward to seeing Tony's HF once it is finished!


Tony took the HF home with him to finish..........it was ambrosia maple, and had some nice beetle tracks in it. I think he will show it when he gets it done. It still needed some sanding and to cut the foot down to a smaller size and a bit of work on the opening............we just ran out of time, and did not take the time to get the outside to a perfected state, because we only had limited time, and he wanted to get to the hollowing part to see what the Monster system could do.

I think the form will turn out fine.........

Roger Chandler
11-03-2011, 9:13 PM
I have to say that while I didn't try my hand (my very cold hands...I didn't bring a jacket Yeah, I know, I know, there were extra jackets around and I could have thrown one on (they were even offered to me multiple times), but I kept thinking we were going to take a break any minute and I could wait...no, I'm not stubborn...

Mike, I apologize for the cold shop..........I guess I should have pulled out the kerosene heater, but the weather folks said it would get up to 65 degrees this afternoon.............it sure took its time doing so!

Mike Cruz
11-03-2011, 9:17 PM
No problem, Roger. Not your fault. You and Tony both offered my coats...I was just being stubborn. I still had a blast, and would do it over again...well, maybe I would have taken one of you up on the jacket. ;)

Bernie Weishapl
11-03-2011, 9:50 PM
Roger looks like a great time was had by all. Tony is gem for sure.

John Keeton
11-03-2011, 10:19 PM
Glad you guys were able to meet and share some time! Looks like a good crew, and a lot of good fellowship - that is what it is all about!

Peter Elliott
11-03-2011, 11:27 PM
hmmm, looking for that email from Mike/Tony... hmmm :(

Rick Markham
11-04-2011, 1:56 AM
Cool Roger it looks like that was fun. I just want to know how did you get Mike to put the chainsaw down long enough to hold the light for Tony? Good to see you Mike! :p:D

Tony De Masi
11-04-2011, 8:02 AM
I had a great time and I didn't even get cold. Roger, can't thank you enough for letting us invade your space and to give the Monster a test drive. After at least a year of trying it was also great to finally meet you in person. By the time I got home the HF had a few more cracks in it so I threw it in the DNA bath. It will be awhile before I get to finish it, but I'll get to it for sure.

Thanks again.

Roger Chandler
11-04-2011, 8:18 AM
I had a great time and I didn't even get cold. Roger, can't thank you enough for letting us invade your space and to give the Monster a test drive. After at least a year of trying it was also great to finally meet you in person. By the time I got home the HF had a few more cracks in it so I threw it in the DNA bath. It will be awhile before I get to finish it, but I'll get to it for sure.

Thanks again.


the pleasure was all mine...........glad you got to come and we got to meet up. That maple just has a mind of its own........seems like it is determined to crack and mess up what we did. I hope you can get it stabilized and then finished. This one, from what I understand will be your biggest to date?

Looking forward to another meet up with all the musketeers in upcoming months! :D

Roger Chandler
11-04-2011, 8:25 AM
hmmm, looking for that email from Mike/Tony... hmmm :(


You are probably like me, in that work gets in the way of our fun way too much!!! Sorry you couldn't make it, but Mike did his best as a substitute............I don't know what Tony would have done without Mike holding that light for him, and modeling that oh so fashionable leather apron! :D I felt positively under-dressed for the occasion! :eek::rolleyes:;)

Baxter Smith
11-04-2011, 8:30 AM
Looks like a fun and enjoyable time! Congrats on the get together!

Roger Chandler
11-04-2011, 9:13 PM

I want you to make sure you post some pics of that platter you are going to make from that big piece of catalpa you took home....................when do you think you will be able to get to the turnin' on that one? I believe you will like the grain pattern a lot when you get it finished.

Mike Cruz
11-05-2011, 1:30 AM
Oh, yeah! With all the hubbub of the day, I forgot to throw in that Roger was gracious enough to send Tony and I home with some slabs of wood. Again, thank you Roger!

I have to admit, it might be a couple of months before I get to it. My honey-do list that needs to be completed before winter sets in is quite long. So, shop time turning is thin. I really hope to be out there a lot during the winter though. But, of course, I'll be happy to post some pics of it.

Roger Chandler
11-05-2011, 5:50 AM
I have to admit, it might be a couple of months before I get to it. My honey-do list that needs to be completed before winter sets in is quite long.


I know all about honey-do lists............I bet yours is not as long as mine! :D