View Full Version : One Eyed Sissoo

Scott Hackler
11-01-2011, 8:09 PM
Here is the last of the Sissoo (Indian Rosewood), that Kathy Marshall sent me. I love this stuff and will have to bribe her for more!

African Blackwood finial. Finished with BLO and Ren Wax only. 3" wide x 6" tall, hollowed to about 1/8" thick.

Comments and critiques are VERY welcome, Thanks


Jim Burr
11-01-2011, 8:31 PM
I'm impressed with the finial! Had to be a CNC job since turning that thin is not gonna happen!! The mouth is making me hold back a bit...just not sure about it yet. Cool finish and form overall!

Paul Heely
11-01-2011, 8:52 PM
I like the shape of the main body. I wonder how the finial would look if the middle part was moved down a bit instead of being in the middle of the finial. Nice job on the thin finial though. Overall I like it a lot.

Jamie Donaldson
11-01-2011, 9:08 PM
I was just noticing the little blurb below your comments Scott, about "no, it's not thin enough yet." Oh yes, this one is! Nice job with the rosewood as well.

charlie knighton
11-01-2011, 9:14 PM
form has some nice lift, pretty wood

John Keeton
11-01-2011, 9:51 PM
Beautiful piece of wood, Scott, and a good form. Like Jim, I am not sure about the swell at the top, but the finial is extremely well done!! While it would work with the "bulge" moved down on the shaft, I think it does very well as it is. Nice work, Scott!!!

David DeCristoforo
11-01-2011, 9:52 PM
This one I like although it almost got lost in the Joe Landon blitz. It breaks almost every "rule" in the book but it works. Nicely done!

Jon McElwain
11-01-2011, 9:53 PM
LOVE that finial!

Scott Hackler
11-01-2011, 9:56 PM
Thanks for the comments and no Jim there is not CNC machine, just a real sharp retail gouge and a steady hand.

This is my development into a unique finial. The next one (already done, waiting on the WOP to dry on the HF) is noticeably thinner than this one!

Bernie Weishapl
11-01-2011, 10:05 PM
Great piece Scott. Love that finial.

Baxter Smith
11-01-2011, 10:28 PM
Beautiful wood Scott. I can see why you want more. The finial is definitely fitting for you! The neck of the form I will have to think about. At first look, it seems like a lot of changes in direction going on up to the top. Looking forward to seeing your next one!

David E Keller
11-01-2011, 10:55 PM
Neat piece, Scott! I like the exaggerated height of the finial on this piece especially with it being so thin and graceful. I stared at the neck of this one for a little while, and I think the change of direction between neck and lid is what's drawing my eye. When the neck gets vertical like that, I really struggle to try and 'continue the curve' into the lid. I really like the finial on this piece... Graceful and feminine, and it also reminds me a bit of a stylized bird.

Curt Fuller
11-01-2011, 11:06 PM
Wow Scott, this is really nice. I love the finial!

Bob Bergstrom
11-01-2011, 11:13 PM
The finial reminds me a egret (bird) the long legs, body, and long neck are all present. Agree with others on the neck area. Still overall great job.

Kathy Marshall
11-02-2011, 12:15 AM
Looks great Scott! I too love the finial, really cool design! Also love the wood and I'm waiting impatiently for the call that says they cut another one down (they know I really want more sissoo)! No need for bribes, I'll send you a big chunk from the next load I get.

Alan Trout
11-02-2011, 12:40 AM

I really like the final and I really like the form but not sure I like both of them together. The problem in my eye is the neck does not flow well into the final. I think the form with the neck is fine on its own and does not need the final to complete the form. The final deserves a piece that flows into it better. I think this one is plenty thin. Any thinner and I might not be able to see it.

Great work on both pieces.


Michelle Rich
11-02-2011, 7:13 AM
kathy sent you some goreous wood..I like the vessel..but I can't really see the finial..it's all blurry in my monitor...

Scott Hackler
11-02-2011, 12:28 PM
Thanks for the additional comments and critiques. I have something to admit regarding this piece. The finial was NOT made for this one. I had made it for a different form and because I didn't measure correctly for the tenon of the finial.... it didn't fit the opening. This form, having just completed it, was sitting there so I tried the finial and it "almost" fit, but was a little loose. So I wrapped the finial tenon with 1 layer of masking tape to make it a bit larger and put it on the form. I agree that it's not a perfect marriage, but wanted to see if the crowd saw the same things as I did. This finial design is still something I am pursueing and will refine more and more. But I will agree that this HF doesnt need or fit this particular finial. I will take a finial-less picture and post it as well. Thanks again.

Scott Hackler
11-02-2011, 1:29 PM
OK, here is the vessel without the finial.


And here is a photochopped version. To help me refine my vessels and what will be "my" signature finial... how does this combo look? I moved the bulb of the finial down and lowered the collar of the vessel.


Alan Trout
11-02-2011, 1:53 PM
Thats better, but the finial needs the same slope or curve as the neck of the vessel so it has a seamless transition. Like a I said the vessel looks great without any finial.


Jon Nuckles
11-02-2011, 2:38 PM
Scott, That finial is fantastic! Do you hand carve the tip after turning the rest of the finial between centers? Really nice work.

just a real sharp retail gouge and a steady hand

I have a pretty steady hand; it must be the darn wholesale gouges I've been using that prevent me from getting results like yours.:D

Scott Hackler
11-02-2011, 3:07 PM
Jon, the tip is not as complicated as that. While turning the finial I an extra "bulge" on the tip (similar to the middle bulge) and after the whole thing it done I hold it VERY carefully on my bench sander until it grinds off the part I dont want! Then I clean it up with some fine grit sandpaper. As far as the actual turning thin deal... well this is just an evolution of where I am now. I enjoy making the dainty / fragile stuff and believe me... I broke plenty until I refined my own skills to allow for turning this thin. Plus African Blackwood allows for it. I shape a lot of these thin finials with an un-orthodox method (pull scraping cuts) , but it works for me.

John Keeton
11-02-2011, 5:02 PM
Scott, as you said, the form and finial were not made for each other, and I agree with Alan on the transition. With the base on this finial, I don't know that a smooth transition on this form is possible.

However, I do kind of like the lowered "bulge" - let's call it the bulb:). Whatever you end up doing, you do need to continue with this finial idea - it has great potential IMO.