View Full Version : pseudo early amphora...or something else...

Tim Rinehart
11-01-2011, 4:50 PM
This piece is one of the first hollow turnings I did, about 2 years ago. It was from VERY green walnut and my inexperience nearly caused me to lose all the bark. Literally, as the top edge was drying, the bark completely separated from the wood, as much as 1/2" in places. I removed it all in sections and pieced back onto respective area of rim where it originated.

This was during my 'foot' period, and I wouldn't do that now, at least not like this. It stands 16" tall, walnut with maple band and foot, and 10" diam at the top edges.
I got to thinking about it, and was able to color correct a couple pics I had, so decided to post. Easier than retaking the pic!

C&C welcome.

Ted Calver
11-01-2011, 6:13 PM
Put a three foot stem and a base on it and thank DD for the inspiration :) :)

David DeCristoforo
11-01-2011, 6:22 PM
"... thank DD for the inspiration..."

Flattering but... NOT! Tim stated that he made this two years ago. I was not even turning then...

This is a very nice piece of work.... I might even take some "inspiration" from it! For some strange reason this makes me think of bowling...

Tim Rinehart
11-02-2011, 8:16 AM
Put a three foot stem and a base on it and thank DD for the inspiration :) :)
Ted, don't think that as I was looking at this, that I didn't consider a mock stem to emulate the beautiful amphora vessels elevated by David D! I think to do it to scale of the amphora pieces that David D has done, would require it to be in the neighborhood of 6 foot tall!! Now that would be a site,..hmmm, ...nope, not gonna do it!
This one was wrought with so many challenges for me at the time, I think going smaller would be appropriate even now.

Sid Matheny
11-02-2011, 9:57 AM
The form is not my cup of tea but you did a very nice job of turning and saving the bark.


Joe Watson
11-03-2011, 1:34 AM
Thats pretty cool, i dig it alot.
How the two knots (top and bottom) line up looks good (i like knots).