View Full Version : 6" maple bowl turned inside first and then the outside

Bob Bergstrom
10-30-2011, 5:17 PM
This was a first for me. The blank I had was 5/16 ths. in the bottom and if I would have turned the outside first, I know I would have gone through the bottom trying to follow the curve of the outside. I did the inside first just taking off enough to make a pleasant curve. In the bottom I might have removed a 16th. to 3/32nds of an inch. I then started on the outside cutting the rim to thickness before any warpage occurred. After that it was a matter of cutting down the outside to match the curve and making it a uniform thickness. It is a little thicker than I usually do, but I was just glad to save the wood. Finish is Forby's Tung Oil sanded to 600 grit.

Dennis Ford
10-30-2011, 8:10 PM
It came out great!

Nate Davey
10-30-2011, 8:16 PM
Beautiful bowl Bob, way to think outside the box. It paid off.

John Keeton
10-30-2011, 9:15 PM
Unique approach, Bob, but well worth the thought and effort - great bowl and beautiful wood!

Bernie Weishapl
10-30-2011, 9:28 PM
Beautiful bowl and wood.

Michelle Rich
10-31-2011, 9:21 AM
very pleasing bowl

Jim Burr
10-31-2011, 10:25 AM
I having trouble wrapping my brain around that idea!!! But it sure worked well and on a great piece of wood too!

Steve Schlumpf
10-31-2011, 5:08 PM
Nice save Bob! Sure is some pretty wood!