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View Full Version : Shellac Finish - How many coats

ben searight
10-30-2011, 9:15 AM
I'm finishing a set of twin beds for my boys. My original plan was to use Watco Danish oil for the color, seal it with a coat of dewaxed shellac, and topcoat with Target EM 6000 clear.

I've got the Watco on it and shot 2 very thin coats of shellac to seal, and rubbed the shellac with a brown paper bag to get the dust nibs off. At this point the finish looks terrific and has a wonderful feel to it.

I've read on here that the best shellac finish is the thinnest possible coating that is flawless. (I think Scott Holmes wrote that, and he quite obviously has a knowledge of finishing that is several orders of magnitude greater than mine)

My question is: do I need more coats or not?

Scott Holmes
10-30-2011, 9:56 AM
Your are finished. How about a couple of pictures?

glenn bradley
10-30-2011, 10:43 AM
Agree. You're already done. The most posts about problems with shellac are from folks trying to use too much. Now, take some progress pics to share with us all and move along with your topcoat ;-)

ben searight
10-30-2011, 11:29 AM
I guess I should have been a little more clear. I'm thinking of doing away with the topcoat all together just leaving the shellac.

Howard Acheson
10-30-2011, 1:19 PM
I guess I should have been a little more clear. I'm thinking of doing away with the topcoat all together just leaving the shellac.

We understand that. You do not need to topcoat the shellac. Declare victory and savor the accolades.

Bill White
10-30-2011, 2:05 PM
Keep the shellac. It can be repaired easily as the pieces age. I love shellac.....even on my aspirin and M&Ms (won't melt in your hands).

glenn bradley
10-30-2011, 2:57 PM
I guess I should have been a little more clear. I'm thinking of doing away with the topcoat all together just leaving the shellac.

Ah, I did not understand that :o. I have many pieces of furniture in service around the country finished with only shellac. No complaints. I do give them a paste wax job and buff them up nice before delivery but, maintenance of that final touch is up to the new owners :)