View Full Version : Roy Underhill eat your heart out!

Greg Peterson
10-29-2011, 12:13 AM
This is definitely old, old school.


10-29-2011, 3:32 AM
I can't even turn a bead freehand as nice as he does freefoot!
Excellent find.

- Beachside Hank

Jeffrey Makiel
10-29-2011, 7:44 AM
Now that's what I call athletes foot.
Jeff :)

John McClanahan
10-29-2011, 10:36 AM
Did you notice how many different tools he used to make that?


Kevin Presutti
10-29-2011, 11:52 AM
Did you notice the video was only 6 1/2 minutes long and that included sizing the lumber, also he was only cutting half the time. OSHA may have someting to say about no foot protection and no safety glasses.

Bill White
10-29-2011, 12:00 PM
Oh my back. Goes to show ya that technique conquers a room full of equipment. Anybody wanna buy my lathe? I'm gonna learn to use a skew while sittin' on the floor.