View Full Version : 4 Axis HF (Learning Piece)

Nate Davey
10-28-2011, 6:08 PM
The body of the form was an attempt at another 4 axis mug. I didn't get the centering right so wondered what a spiralish HF would look like. I also wanted to try a seamless transition between the base and the body, per the Keeton Cryptex on Masterful Design (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?174148-WIP-quot-Acero-Dolce-quot-or-quot-Sweet-Maple-quot-now-finished!). Finally, just tried different things with the finial. I don't think any of the components work together and I know the finial is not right, but thought I would throw it up for general criticism. It was a little interesting hollowing the form as the sides are flatish. The body is unfinished Maple and the base and finial are cherry BLO sanded with a couple coats of shellac. I doubt I will take it any further as I don't like most of it. Thanks for looking.


Dennis Ford
10-28-2011, 7:03 PM
The base and finial show great workmanship but I agree that they don't work with this body.

charlie knighton
10-28-2011, 7:33 PM
interesting, like your finial, its good to try new things, and they do not always have to lead somewhere, but sometimes they do

Sid Matheny
10-28-2011, 8:31 PM
Looks like it needs to be finished to me just to see what it makes. I kind of like it! Different.


Roger Chandler
10-28-2011, 8:40 PM
I think you have a unique and interesting form here..............I agree with Sid..........the right choice in finish might just set this off...........maybe a new genre emerges from this multi-axis hollow form experiment.

Jason Clark2
10-29-2011, 12:10 AM
I've tried this too. I found a taller thinner form showed the twist better. I also tried turning it thin enough that the inside was larger than the outside so there were cut away areas on all 3 faces. Cindy Drozda does hers that way but without the twist. I'll see if I can post some of my prototypes tomorrow. Jason

Nate Davey
10-29-2011, 8:35 AM
Looking at this form for a while now, I should have made the body shorter. I think, also, a 5 or 6 axis twist may look better than the 4. Thanks all for the comments