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Jeff Fagen
10-27-2011, 10:55 PM
Natural Axis:Woodturning and Landscapes from the Edge of the Road
Photographer Dennis Newton and the Chippewa Valley Woodturners Guild

Well it was a very well attended event for this art show reception at the L.E.Phillips Public Library in Eau Claire WI.
Myself and fellow woodturners selected for this juried art show enjoyed basking in the glow of gallery lights and seeing our turned art displayed in such a venue and it was truly a pleasant evening.
There were refreshments and smiles all around as we visited about wood turning ,although I never did see the landscape photographer.
This showing runs through November 29th,I will be looking for more of these opportunities.

Bill Bolen
10-28-2011, 11:51 AM
Fun photo essay and a neat little story. Congrats on what looks to be a well attended show.