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View Full Version : Hollywood Blonde: Owed to John Keeton and Headed to SOFA

David DeCristoforo
10-27-2011, 4:06 PM
I've been working on this on and off ever since I got that beautiful box elder burl from John Keeton. The beads at the rim and base and the transition piece are made from a small claro walnut "stocking stuffer" that was in the box. I'm not all that happy with the base. I was trying to add some visual weight to anchor the piece but I think I added a bit too much. It reminds me a bit of one of those puffy athletic shoes. It's actually not as bulky as it looks but I think the light wood bracketed by the dark walnut makes it appear heavier. My wife likes it anyway so that's good enough for me and the people at Natsoulas Gallery wanted it. If I'd had a bit more time I would probably have made a new base.

But there was no time to remake the base or try to modify it because I got a call from Natsoulas and they pushed up the deadline for SOFA from Friday evening to this morning at 9AM. Crates will be closed and loaded. So it was like, you wanna go? Be there! They are taking five pieces and may take a sixth depending on how much "carry on" they have. I barely had time to get this finished and there was just enough daylight this morning for me to grab a few pics before packing it. So, right now it's on a truck bound for Chicago. One of the people at the gallery said it reminded them of Hollywood, and someone else mentioned Mae West. Hence the title…..

I totally blew the "bell" on this on the first go round. There was this pocket of splutz deep inside the burl and it appeared right at the thinnest part where the "bell" joins the "bulb". It was almost like the burl grew around a crumpled up piece of paper. The surrounding wood was so punky that even with an epoxy treatment, there was no saving it. Fortunately, I still had another chunk of burl for a "do over" and I can save part of the first one and still get one more piece out of this very nice burl.

211254 211255

Leo Graywacz
10-27-2011, 4:19 PM
You've been looking at it to long. Looks beautiful to me.

Roger Chandler
10-27-2011, 4:34 PM
Purdy stuff there David! I think you have this form down to a science.................that wood makes for a striking form, and I do like the base with the contrasting ring..............

Make sure you post about how these were received at SOFA..............

BTW, nice save on that form with the bad area...........that would be scary indeed to have gone that far, and then have to give up on a piece........as always really nice work!

John Keeton
10-27-2011, 5:01 PM
David, I am proud to have been a very small part of this one!! Beautiful stuff, and it makes me excited about digging into the rest of the BE burl!! Personally, I love the contrast, and think the height of this one works very well with the base. This one will show well!

Baxter Smith
10-27-2011, 5:11 PM
Great looking work David.! I have been hoping you would do something light ever since you posted the Black Queen. Can't say I'm sorry you didn't try that bowl.;)

charlie knighton
10-27-2011, 5:31 PM
congratulations upon shipping, hats off to you, this one is very nice

Josh Bowman
10-27-2011, 6:37 PM
David you done good. It looks great and adds well to your series.

10-27-2011, 7:38 PM
That is both beautiful and so unique. Congrats on the event!

David DeCristoforo
10-27-2011, 8:25 PM
"...it makes me excited about digging into the rest of the BE burl..."

Just watch out for those splutz pockets!

"Can't say I'm sorry you didn't try that bowl."

Well, I'm glad I didn't. I would have cut into the afore mentioned splutz pocket and that would have ruined it for me (I ain't no Keller ya know...) even if I didn't screw it up some other way!

David E Keller
10-27-2011, 8:35 PM
Splutz is the spice of life!

Nice work on the latest amphora, David, and best wishes at the show!

Doug W Swanson
10-27-2011, 9:30 PM
There was this pocket of splutz deep inside the burl

Can you explain to us common folk what 'splutz' is? That is one term I have not heard before.

Beautiful work as usual. I don't comment on too many threads but your work is outstanding!

David DeCristoforo
10-27-2011, 9:39 PM
"Can you explain to us common folk what 'splutz' is..."

Ask Keller...

OK... maybe that was rude. Here ya go:

splutz   [spuh-lutz]

The punky rotten paperlike like fungusy crap found in small pockets buried deep inside otherwise sound looking box elder burls.

Curt Fuller
10-27-2011, 9:44 PM
Just like Marilyn Monroe in black stockings!

Bob Bergstrom
10-27-2011, 9:44 PM
David I really like the contrast of the natural color and the black. I will be attending SOFA this Friday and will certainly look for it. I have always admired you creativity and insight to the trials and tribulations of creating art. As was stated "craftsmanship comes from the heart, but art comes from the soul"

Bernie Weishapl
10-27-2011, 9:47 PM
Great looking piece David. Like the contrast.

Steve Schlumpf
10-27-2011, 9:56 PM
Very nice variation on your amphora series! Best of luck at the SOFA event! I am thrilled that your work will be there and have my fingers crossed that somehow we get to see photos of the show!

Bob Bergstrom
10-27-2011, 10:15 PM
Very nice variation on your amphora series! Best of luck at the SOFA event! I am thrilled that your work will be there and have my fingers crossed that somehow we get to see photos of the show!
A couple of years ago it was stated in the brochure that cameras would not be allowed. There were quite a few students at the show and many were taking pictures. The next year more and more patrons were shooting pictures. This is on their website. "Photography is not permitted. Cameras must be checked at coat check for a fee".
I saw everything from phone cameras to full blown SLRs. I saw no one objecting to pictures, and no one enforcing any camera law.

Roger Chandler
10-27-2011, 10:19 PM
Pardon my ignorance on this item, but I must ask ..........what is SOFA? I am sure it is some type of woodworking show, if I understand ..............in the Chicago area?

What does the letters S.O.F.A. represent?

David DeCristoforo
10-27-2011, 10:28 PM
"What does the letters S.O.F.A. represent?"

Sculptural Objects and Functional Art

Roger Chandler
10-27-2011, 10:28 PM
"What does the letters S.O.F.A. represent?"

Sculptural Objects and Functional Art

Thanks DD!

Kathy Marshall
10-28-2011, 2:09 AM
Another Beauty David! That burl sure is purdy!

Richard Jones
10-28-2011, 4:56 AM
Very elegant and love the contrast.


David DeCristoforo
10-28-2011, 11:13 AM
"...have my fingers crossed that somehow we get to see photos of the show..."

I am hoping to see some pics too. It might be possible for the guys from Natsoulas to get some.

Jon Nuckles
10-28-2011, 2:03 PM
Beautiful piece. Looking forward to seeing it and the others in person at the show. My experience in previous years is the same as Bob's: photography is strictly forbidden, but is very common. If no one is looking and the people at the booth don't object, maybe I'll sneak out my iPhone camera!

Jamie Donaldson
10-28-2011, 5:02 PM
The letters SOFA also represent $$$$!

Roger Chandler
10-28-2011, 5:26 PM
The letters SOFA also represent $$$$!

I hear that, Jamie! :D

Scott Hackler
10-28-2011, 5:58 PM
Congrats again David and I hope this opens a lot of well deserved doors for you and your work. This one is very nice as well and I don't find any problem with the base.

Cathy Schaewe
10-28-2011, 6:28 PM
Absolutely beautiful!

(I always wondered what that stuff was I was running into - now I know. Splutz.)

David DeCristoforo
10-28-2011, 7:54 PM
"...maybe I'll sneak out my iPhone camera..."

You mean you don't have one of those miniature 10 megapixel tie tack spy cameras??? Ok I know you normally might not be wearing your suit and tie to SOFA (if you have a suit and tie) but you could make an exception...

Truthfully, I would love some pics of my pieces at SOFA. Assuming that is, that those guys even bother to unpack them! I'm starting to learn a lot about "gallery people" and from what I have learned so far, I would not be surprised if they completely forgot about them!

Jon Nuckles
10-28-2011, 9:50 PM
If your pieces are not visible in their booth, I will ask where they are. Pictures are nice, but I want to see them in person! As for the tie-tack camera, I finally upgraded my 8 year old cell phone for a new one with a camera, so it will be a while before I get that advanced, and I think my suits might need to be altered for me to squeeze back into them.

David DeCristoforo
10-29-2011, 10:02 AM
"...I think my suits might need to be altered for me to squeeze back into them..."

Maybe you could rent a tux...

Jon Nuckles
10-29-2011, 8:47 PM
Maybe you could rent a tux...

Don't know if the tie-tack camera comes in a bowtie version. The pictures might be rotated 90 degrees.

David DeCristoforo
10-29-2011, 9:43 PM
"Don't know if the tie-tack camera comes in a bowtie version..."

OK. Forget the whole suit thing. Blue jeans, tee shirt and baseball cap. This baseball cap:


Jon Nuckles
10-30-2011, 3:38 PM
My parents taught me that I could not wear a ball cap indoors, and I haven't been able to shake that lesson in all the years since. And don't even get me started on wearing a cap backwards . . .

I'll have my wife create a distraction while I pull out the camera. If she has to break something to attract attention, I hope it is something I can afford.