View Full Version : Kitchen flooring question (OK, only slightly related to woodworking projects!)

Roger Jensen
10-26-2011, 4:36 PM
I am coming down the home stretch on replacing my kitchen cabinets. The cabinets are built and stained/topcoated, and demolition will start right after Thanksgiving.

My question is on replacing the floor and the sequence related to installing the cabinets. Here is what I am thinking:

1. Remove the old cabinets
2. Rip out the current layers of vinyl and underlayment, down to the sub-floor.
3. Install new electrical and plumbing.
4. Install new underlayment, wall to wall.
5. Install the new cabinets.
6. Install the new flooring tiles around the cabinets.

I am assuming it is OK to put the cabinets on top of the underlayment, rather than directly on the sub-floor. I figured it will give me a good feel for the final height of the cabinets, I only need to allow an extra quarter inch or so for the thickness of the tiles.

Is this the order you would install them?



phil harold
10-26-2011, 8:48 PM
tile and then install cabinets
less cuts...

thats my two cents

Jeff Monson
10-26-2011, 11:03 PM
I'd want to lay the flooring after the cabinets, its not fun trying to make a straight cut through old flooring under a toe kick. I'm just assuming the cabinets will outlive your flooring. I'd suggest the steps you already have outlined.

Jason Roehl
10-26-2011, 11:09 PM
If there's a dishwasher involved, you'll want to finish the flooring first, especially if you built the cabinets to a standard height.

In my 16+ years in the world of the trades (mostly painting, but some carpentry and wood flooring as well), the only times I've seen flooring go in after cabinets were when they were either homeowner hack jobs, or a new sheet of vinyl was going down over the old.

Roger Jensen
10-27-2011, 12:25 AM
Thanks for the feedback. After looking around, I don't think there is a clear consensus whether the floor or cabinets should go in first. If you go to the installation KB at Woodweb, there is a long thread about the benefits of one over the other.

Because I'm hiring someone to do the floor I'll do whatever he feels would be faster and cheaper. My cabinet installation doesn't cost me anything, just my labor!

Thanks again,


Doug Carpenter
10-27-2011, 7:14 AM
I usually plan on doing the tile first. I have heard it said it offers better protection from water and should the cabinets need to be changed it leaves no scars on the floor. so for customers I always insisted on doing it that way. That being said I did my own kitchen and only did enough to go under the cabinets a few inches. I did do under the dishwasher.

I just did it because my tile was costly. I felt that if I ever was going to change the cabinets I would also change the floor. alos installing cabinets to a finished floor takes a little more fuss but since it is your kitchen that should be no problem.