View Full Version : Lathe Stand Help!

Ricc Havens
10-26-2011, 11:21 AM
I have an older Nova 3000 with the metal (not cast iron) open stand. The previous owner had made the lathe mobile by adding 2X6's across the bottom and adding castors to the legs. But the stand moves even when the casters are locked. I have used the 2X6 cross members as shelving for blank storage. The storage greatly reduces access behind the lathe for cleaning shavings.

I want to remove the castors but I am looking for ideas on how keep the shelving between the legs but yet be able to move the lathe to clean up wood shavings from behind.

Any ideas? Any pics of what you have done?

Ricc Havens
Elkhart, IN
rv.havens AT gmail.com

Terry Beadle
10-26-2011, 11:42 AM
You might try removing the casters from just one end. Then make a L shaped cross brace with sand paper stapled to the bottom. That will keep that end steady. In the tang of the L, bore a 1 inch hole. The L hole should clear the floor by about 3 inches. Then take the two casters you removed and make a cross bar with a long handle mounted vertically. The casters would be mounted to each end of the cross bar. Put a 3/4 inch pin in the upper end of the cross bar middle. Round the top of the pin so it will easily slide into the hole in the cross brace L. Press down on the vertical handle and you can move the lathe easily.

There are commercial versions of this idea available if you want to spend some dough.

Just an idea !

Enjoy the process...it's the best part.

Kyle Iwamoto
10-26-2011, 2:15 PM
Are they double locking casters? If only the wheels lock, and not the rotation, you won't be able to fix that without changing the casters. I have double locking and I only lock 2 of them most times. Or are you turning really heavy off balance stuff and the wheels are skidding? Then you need to add weight.

Roy Turbett
10-30-2011, 1:47 AM
Is your lathe in the garage? If so, you may want to try a different cleaning method. I sweep up what I can easily reach and use an electric leaf blower for the rest. Works great.