View Full Version : Festool TS55 with Fein Turbo II?

Charles Bjorgen
10-24-2011, 7:47 PM
I'm giving serious thought to picking up the Festool TS55 and am wondering if I can use my Fein Turbo II as its dust collector rather than investing in a Festool vac (Midi probably). I've searched the subject here but could not come up with a specific answer. Just wondering if anyone here has used a combo like this? Connecting the two tools seems to be the most confusing question. Any ideas appreciated.

raymond Abel
10-24-2011, 8:04 PM

I have a TS55 & a CT36.
I think any good "shop-vac" would do a good job

John Lanciani
10-24-2011, 8:10 PM
That's the combo I use, the Fein stepped adaptor (about 5 bucks as I recall) works perfectly to mate to two.
PART#: 921072K13
COST: $3.75

Edited to add, from coastal tool

Steve Baumgartner
10-24-2011, 8:27 PM
I use this combination all the time and it works just fine (pun intended). You need to get a hose that adapts between the standard hole in the Fein and the specific connector on the TS55. I bought a Festool hose, but you could doubtless rig up something else.

Greg R Bradley
10-24-2011, 9:49 PM
I do it all the time.

You can use an adapter. You can buy the Festool hose end and adapt it to the Fein hose - about $14.

The best solution I found is just to buy a non-antistatic Festool hose and plug it in the Fein Vac - about $60. That leaves the Fein hose untouched for use with Fein accessories.

Using the adapter is not bad on the TS55 but if you want to use a Festool sander, it is much nicer to have the Festool end on the hose.