View Full Version : Box Elder Bowl

Keith E Byrd
10-24-2011, 9:00 AM
Box Elder bowl - this was fun to turn. About 3 1/2 by 6". I wish my skills matched the piece of wood! Got some tear out that I couldn't figure out how to avoid - but over all I am pleased withthis bowl. 4 Coats of WOP and Beale Buffed.
Comments and ctitique welcome!


Jim Burr
10-24-2011, 11:27 AM
Glad you survived that one Keith! looks like it was gonna split wide open. Should hold M&M's very nicely!

mike ash
10-24-2011, 12:40 PM
I agree with Jim.....I bet you atleast thought about wrapping some tape around the outside!! Good job!!!!!!!!

David E Keller
10-24-2011, 3:28 PM
Looks good to me, Keith! I love the voids and inclusions, so this one is right up my alley! Thanks for sharing!

Bernie Weishapl
10-24-2011, 3:51 PM
Mighty fine looking bowl to me. Love the voids and inclusions.

Josh Bowman
10-24-2011, 6:25 PM
I also like the voids and inclusions. Never seen that in Box Elder. My eye is still thinking about the sides/lip. I think I would prefer the old catenary curve.

Baxter Smith
10-24-2011, 10:42 PM
Lots of character in this one! Looks like one mistake and you would have had pieces. Glad both of you survived!

Michelle Rich
10-25-2011, 5:40 AM
that was one dangerous bowl to turn..and unusual shape, with the small flair..glad it made it!

Keith E Byrd
10-25-2011, 6:06 AM
I also like the voids and inclusions. Never seen that in Box Elder. My eye is still thinking about the sides/lip. I think I would prefer the old catenary curve.
Josh - I looked up catenary curve - (I haven't heard that used with wood turning) - If I understand correctly the shape should be a continual line of the curve from bottom to top edge with no variation- just the gentle sweep of the natural curve line? I am still learning a lot so trying to make sure I understand! Thanks for the comment.:)

Keith E Byrd
10-25-2011, 6:09 AM
that was one dangerous bowl to turn..and unusual shape, with the small flair..glad it made it!
Michelle- as I mentioned before - I am learning:)! Does that flair at the top make the bowl impropoer, out of proportion, etc? I appreciate the comments and critique - want to make sure I understand as part of the learning - this is probably the 5th or 6th bowl I've made.

John Keeton
10-25-2011, 6:22 AM
Keith, that is one beautiful piece of wood! Scary to turn - but, beautiful.

I think what is catching the eye of the others is that the "return curve" you have used at the top is not quite an ogee, and kind of draws the eye. It appears you have turned a hemispherical bowl - to a point - and, then added the other curve. Most of the time, in order to have a pleasing ogee, or return, curve, the entire vessel needs to be included in the ogee.

Of the literally hundreds of mathematical curves, there are many used in turning - hemispherical (half a circle), catenary, parabola (close to a catenary), ogee, and a host of variations. It is difficult, but not impossible, to combine them in a form and achieve a pleasing result. You are doing well for your short journey, and in my opinion, turning a pleasing bowl is far more difficult than a HF!

Donny Lawson
10-25-2011, 6:37 AM
I will agree with the others, great looking bowl but it looks scary to turn. It does have alot of character. Nice job and glad it stayed together.