View Full Version : From The New (Used) Lathe

Kenny Jacobson
10-24-2011, 2:50 AM
So, thanks again everyone who encouraged me to get the Jet 1642. I LOVE IT!

I was encouraged to post some pictures.

Here's my new baby:


Here are my three turnings from Thur, Fri ,and Sat.

I thought I'd start small:
It seems like a overkill, but I think I enjoyed turned the pen on the 1642 even more than on the 1014. There's an incredible feeling of precision to this bigger lathe. The pen is curly koa, btw.

Next, I grabbed a piece of sweet gum (liquidambar) and turned a chip and dip dish for my 12-year-old son who has been asking me to turn something like this for him for the last year. Since its meant to be used (and abused), I didn't try too hard to get the tool marks out. I call it pre-teen-treenware :) I just finished it with mineral oil/beeswax.


For the gran finale of initial test run, yesterday I plucked a 14" Diameter Ironbark Eucalyptus that's been sitting on the side of my house for about a year waiting for me to get a bigger lathe.


Nothing like a heavy, off-balance chunk of wood to make you really appreciate the variable speed control. Seriously, before this week (and when I was still planning on getting the Nova 1624-44) I thought variable speed was a luxury. Now I don't see how I lived without it for the past (almost) 2 years. The ability to dial in the perfect speed, when working with an unbalanced piece, and not have the lathe walking across the floor was amazing. The big machine deserves respect, of course, but in some ways I felt safer because of its solid-ness.

Anyways, there's the pictures...so it happened!

Richard Jones
10-24-2011, 5:57 AM

I was going to say you're going to love it, but methinks you already do.................

One suggestion would be to wire a remote switch a la Steve S., it has to be the best mod I've done to my 1642. Especially useful for those bigger pieces.

Here's to you and your already-great relationship with your lathe, may you enjoy your time together!


Oh, yeah, great looking pieces, duh!!! I turned a couple of 15" NE cherry pieces on Saturday, gives a whole new meaning to "out of balance"!!!!! Three cheers for VS !!!!

Josh Bowman
10-24-2011, 6:30 AM
Looks like you're having fun with it. The Jet is a great lathe.

Donny Lawson
10-24-2011, 6:47 AM
Congrats on the lathe. Looks like you have some good turnings. I also have the 16/42 and its a great lathe. VS does make a big difference on large out of balance turnings.

Russell Eaton
10-24-2011, 6:55 AM
Congrats on the lathe. I know you will get a lot of use out of it. All three projects look great. That is a sweet piece of Koa.

Greg Just
10-24-2011, 7:00 AM
Congrats on the new lathe. I have the same one and love the variable speed. I turned a large bowl over the weekend and could not have done it on the old Delta. Those are some nice looking bowls pictured above. I especially like the NE.

Roger Chandler
10-24-2011, 7:12 AM
Those three turnings have now truly made this your baby! Enjoy your new lathe and congratulations on finding a good lathe and a good value!

Tim Rinehart
10-24-2011, 8:30 AM
Turning even the small stuff IS a pleasure on a bigger lathe, and well justifies some peoples desire for large lathe, regardless of the fact that they may not get to it's 'maximum' swing. The smoothness and VS are one of those things that once you try...can't go back easily.
That ironbark euc piece is very nice, you should be happy with that one...amazing job keeping all that bark intact!

Sid Matheny
10-24-2011, 9:40 AM
You are having way to much fun!


Richard Allen
10-24-2011, 10:01 AM
I looked through the pictures before reading the posting (yea I read the end of the book first). So there is this big hunk of wood on the lathe with a smiling ear to ear guy next to it and the first picture of a finished turning is this pen. What a disconnect for my mind! Big hunk of wood little pen. I figured it out bt sure through me for a loop for a second.

Great looking lathe which will provide you with pleasure for as long as you care to use it. Nice turnings. The chip/dip platter is nice looking and that it's for you son makes it so much better.

charlie knighton
10-24-2011, 10:35 AM
congratulations on new lathe, nice turnings, my favorite is the chip and dip

Jim Burr
10-24-2011, 10:52 AM
Kenny, I'm not sure which is bigger...your grin or the lathe! Well done dude...looks like you and the Jet were made for each other!