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Kent A Bathurst
10-23-2011, 7:16 AM
First, a wolverine. Then, a badger. :D


Kurt Cady
10-23-2011, 8:27 AM
Nice. I loved the look on the ref's face and the cracking in his voice just before raising his hands. He knew he was about to get stormed by the players

Kent A Bathurst
10-23-2011, 8:39 AM
Yeah.....he was looking around for his police protection and the shortest route to the locker room.......

I liked the part where the ball bounced off the face mask of State's top wide receiver. He'll be wearing that in practice all week.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-23-2011, 10:08 AM
I am a college football addict recovering from cochlear implant surgery I underwent just a week ago. I have one good day....one bad day.....yesterday was one of the bad days....I went to get ready for bed....told my wife she could have the television.

An adult granddaughter called as I was finishing up with the mouthwash and the wife was on the phone. I walked into the livingroom...muted the tv and switched back to the game in time to see the final 1:35 seconds.

What a hard fought game!

Then I awoke this morning to see the results of the Oklahoma game.......

My day was better yesterday....today....than it felt yesterday.....

Yes I am off the pain meds........LOL

Kent A Bathurst
10-23-2011, 10:46 AM
Ken - How's your hearing with the new equipment? That is some doggone close-quarters work............

Ken Fitzgerald
10-23-2011, 11:42 AM
Kent.....it was implanted 10/13 but won't be activated until 11/22. Of course it required going into the inner ear on my left ear and I am still having some residual effects in balance but that is normal. I am pressing myself each day....to try to do a little more. One day I feel pretty good....one day I don't. On the days I feel good I try to walk more...I still stagger. Walking to the mailbox I tend to walk a curved line. One day this week I drove to a little greasy spoon diner for breakfast. I quit having the vertigo attacks I experienced immediately after surgery. Things are progressing as I would expect them. I wish I could get back to my daily walks and into my shop. The doctor ordered me out of my shop until further notice. All in all....I'd say I'm recovering as well as you can expect. Thanks for your concern.

Kent A Bathurst
10-23-2011, 11:51 AM
Sounds like things are on course - that's great. Also sounds like you are a candidate for a road-side breathalyzer any time you drive. :D

You're one of those fellows that follows doctor's orders. My wife has always advocated that. I'll have to try it some time.

Best wishes


Ken Fitzgerald
10-23-2011, 1:09 PM
Sounds like things are on course - that's great. Also sounds like you are a candidate for a road-side breathalyzer any time you drive. :D

You're one of those fellows that follows doctor's orders. My wife has always advocated that. I'll have to try it some time.

Best wishes


I just hope it's a breathalyzer and not the "walking" test....or "following the light or pen" test......LOL

My wife is going to Houston next week. I can' t fly yet and have an appointment to have my stitches removed. It's a 220 mile round trip drive to Spokane for that appointment. My oldest son, a deputy sheriff, is acting as my driver. It was far enough I didn't want to take a chance and be a public hazard.

ray hampton
10-23-2011, 2:51 PM
ken, Is your son driving you in his patrol car ? hope the implant works

Ken Fitzgerald
10-23-2011, 4:05 PM
No Ray.....He will be driving my Honday Pilot.

I hope the implant works too! It could still take up to 2 years for my brain to get trained to recognize this new electical stimulation as sound. Each patient is different and slightly less than 1% don't get any relief from a cochlear implant.

Thanks for the well wishes!

Augusto Orosco
10-23-2011, 4:23 PM
No Ray.....He will be driving my Honday Pilot.

I hope the implant works too! It could still take up to 2 years for my brain to get trained to recognize this new electical stimulation as sound. Each patient is different and slightly less than 1% don't get any relief from a cochlear implant.

Thanks for the well wishes!

Here's for a successful outcome, Ken. Seems that things are on the right path!

ray hampton
10-23-2011, 4:32 PM
Ken, If you got a land line telephone, do not answer it when the T V are on because the ringing phone might be on the TV , I got a light that will flash when my phone rings or I would be picking the phone up

Kent A Bathurst
10-23-2011, 5:39 PM
It could still take up to 2 years for my brain to get trained to recognize this new electical stimulation as sound.

So, then..........If you have an electrical misfire, what's the cost of the replacement brake cartridge???

:D :D :D

Ken Fitzgerald
10-23-2011, 5:45 PM
I don't want to know. I just saw the bill for the original one go to my insurance this week........I could buy 10's of a new SS for the price of a new "cartridge"...........

charlie knighton
10-23-2011, 7:27 PM
best wishes, Ken, +1 on just finding out what it was

Bruce Darrow
10-23-2011, 9:46 PM

Just to split a hair here - Neither animal is a rodent. Wolverines and badgers are related to the weasel family, which includes sable, fisher, martin, otter, and mink among others. Interestingly enough, the skunk is also closely related. Rodents are altogether different. Mice, rats, beavers, squirrels and many others that don't come immediately to mind are rodents.

Kent A Bathurst
10-24-2011, 8:40 AM

I can only assume that Catamount fans are too refined and genteel to be well-schooled in Big Ten trash-talking.

"Rodents" is what they are...................;)

ray hampton
10-24-2011, 1:11 PM
are the different members of the rabbit and hare family classified as rodents too ?

Bruce Darrow
10-24-2011, 9:40 PM
Hokay, Kent. Point taken. Got a good chuckle out of that.

Them catamounts don't even play on the gridiron any more......haven't for years. As you say, too "refined and genteel".

Our Patsies, on the other hand, know a thing or two about the game......

Bob Turkovich
10-24-2011, 9:57 PM

As you can see from this thread, not too many people care about MSU thugball, er, uh, football.:D

At least I got to hear the good news about Ken's implant....haven't seen much from him recently and was wondering how his surgery went.

Kent A Bathurst
10-25-2011, 6:54 AM
Awww, doggone it, Bob - and there I was hoping for applause from Ann Arbor :p :p

You're right about the Spartans' play against U of M - very ugly. Not at all what any of us expect - made me think of the Miami teams of some years back. But - they went 60 minutes with zero penalties against the Badgers, so maybe they got they message. Gholston got sat down [I'd have sat him down for more than one game], and the AD publicly spanked the defensive co-ord for his stupid comments after the game with you.

Anyway, I think Hoke's the real deal. He just needs a couple years to recruit and unravel the RichRod madness. Bookmark this thread, because before too long, you will want to throw it back in my face.

