View Full Version : x-rays

James Rambo
10-22-2011, 7:29 PM
What is the plastic sheet used for x-rays? is it pvc acrylic?
Thanks Jaime

Rodne Gold
10-22-2011, 9:07 PM
I think its a cellulose acetate ,it's not PVC, seems safe to laser cut , I know a guy that makes stencils out of em..

Martin Boekers
10-23-2011, 10:04 AM
just curious Rodne, X-ray material used to be high in silver content.
Does your friend recover the silver first?

Newer processes may not be silver based, not sure.

John McClanahan
10-23-2011, 10:36 AM
If you are looking for x-ray film without the expensive light sensitive silver based coating, check with a graphic supply or printing prepress supply house. Ask for "acetate stripping base". It will be clear sheets usually .004" or .007" thick. Stripping base was used a lot in the days before computers. It may be harder to find today.


James Rambo
10-23-2011, 11:20 AM
I have access to exposed test x-rays (I work at a hospital) and I tried a small cut and it had a serious odor to it.
The company that use to maintain the equipment had a system that removed the silver from the process. The lastest remodel of the x-ray system is using digital processing and they are not 'printing the x-rays now. It is all done with computer files.

John Noell
10-23-2011, 2:53 PM
Yep, they do smell a bit when cut. (Not as bad as rubber IMO.) I have cut a lot of stencils from them. Work great for that application.