View Full Version : Gifted Cherry platter

Bill Bolen
10-22-2011, 3:17 PM
Back in April I was lucky enough to score some huge Walnut, Cherry and Elm just down the road from me. (walnut was 40" in diameter). The local stable had a beautiful row of Mature Walnut and cherry, something like 12 trees in all. Then the city decided to put in a concrete sidewalk and took this beautiful row of trees down. I still feel the loss of that picturesque setting each time I drive down the road! This shallow bowl or platter is a crotch piece from one of the large Cherry trees that was taken down. I will be giving it to the stable owner as promised as soon as I finish his matching Walnut piece. 15.5X2 and finished with 4 coats of home brew DO, waxed and buffed.

John Keeton
10-22-2011, 3:27 PM
Bill, this is a beautiful piece! Love the shallow, consistent curve and the wood is wonderful. Nice gesture - I look forward to seeing the walnut one, too!

Was the cherry still wet, I presume?? Or, did you rough turn and dry it first?

Marc Himes
10-22-2011, 3:45 PM
Congratulations on the great wood score. Your cherry platter is beautiful. I like the form and the warmth of the wood a lot , but i especially like the way you treated the foot.

Jon Nuckles
10-22-2011, 4:20 PM
Love the curve and rim, and turned a boxelder piece very similar recently, albeit a bit smaller. Also like your treatment of the bottom and your signature.

Jim Burr
10-22-2011, 4:56 PM
I this is going to sound corny...but you really did give new life to those trees Bill. Simple beauty...you really stepped it up!

Bob Bergstrom
10-22-2011, 5:04 PM
Nice shallow bowl Bill. Cherry is so nice to turn. I just wish the ants didn't like it so much. Quite a few around me have the centers eaten out by ants or the are useless if on the ground for more than a year. I like the details on the bottom. It show craftsmanship and thought for detail. Thanks for sharing.

Steve Schlumpf
10-22-2011, 6:14 PM
Very nice work Bill! The stable owner is going to love it!

Bernie Weishapl
10-22-2011, 7:23 PM
Beautiful Bill. The owner is going to love it.

Bill Bolen
10-22-2011, 7:33 PM
Thanks all. John it was rough turned back in April, bagged and allowed to dry then finish turned just the other day.

Michelle Rich
10-23-2011, 7:30 AM
great gift..well done!

Baxter Smith
10-23-2011, 9:39 PM
The most elegant pieces IMO ofteh have the simplest lines. Well done Bill!