View Full Version : life is strange

charlie knighton
10-21-2011, 7:51 PM
i may be in an upcoming magazine, one of the Lynwood Artist workshop participants, Iris Gillispie also puts out a magazine, i believe it is photos, anyway some time in the future i may if they like the photos be in a layout. anyway Ashlie came over to take some shots of me working on the lathe, come to find out she use to work at big box store where i tried to get a picture made of my brother and his daughters at the beach. the big box store declined to make the pictures because they were too good. now here is this same person and she is a professional photographer taking pictures of me on the lathe and i am suppose to take some work over to the 107 studio to have them included in the article. life is strange.....she does not work for the big box store any more......

Bernie Weishapl
10-21-2011, 9:42 PM
Congrats Charlie. That will be great to be in a upcoming magazine. Hope it works out for you. Keep us posted.

Steve Vaughan
10-21-2011, 9:52 PM
Very cool! Can't wait to see it!

Baxter Smith
10-21-2011, 10:04 PM
Congrats Charlie. Hope we get to see some of the pictures!

charlie knighton
10-21-2011, 10:11 PM
they asked for a bio, hope this works:

Charlie Knighton

I am a woodturner now. Before I was employed and worked for others, under their guidelines. I am a woodturner now, and there are no rules.

I was a boy scout, played sports, enjoyed reading adventure books as a child. As a scout we had a large amount of training which could be called Indian lore. I was born in Buffalo. I read books on James Cook, the Hornblower series, and the wide range of topics of the National Geographic. I enjoyed medieval knights, castles, and the crusades.

In 2006 I attended a woodturning course taught by Terry Mitchel. We learned basic cuts and safety guidelines. I caught Terry’s enthusiasm and bought my own lathe. I attended regional and national symposium where I learned more. I mainly do hollow forms and a wall hanging series that is influenced by Nick Agar, Molly Winton, and Michael Mocho work. The wall hanging series is turned outboard, multi-axis and then wood burned. The wood burning is influenced by Gary A. David’s book The Orion Zone. His work is based on the Anasazi. My woodburning is also influenced by the petroglyphs of the Anasazi and workshops of the Lynwood Artists led by Roland Guidry and Sam Davis. One of the first skills one learns as a woodturner is to make a smooth finish. In my Kokopelli series the background is a spiral, it is not smooth. The round spirals show how the Anasazi wandered ever closer to their destination at emergence, or in the beginning. The Kokopelli series is ongoing and expanding. I would like to travel to Arizona and see the petroglyphs and Hopi people of today. I am a woodturner now.

Michelle Rich
10-22-2011, 6:20 AM
life is indeed strange. Grand to be in a magazine. Good for the turning ego! Congrats

John Keeton
10-22-2011, 6:52 AM
Charlie, one never knows or understands all that truly happens to bring us to where we are today. So many things, seemingly unrelated, knit together to form the fabric of our life.

I hope this produces some good exposure for you - congrats!!

charlie knighton
10-22-2011, 7:31 AM
thanks for all your comments and good wishes

charlie knighton
10-27-2011, 5:35 PM
you would not believe.....or i am just not used to the way things are done......need someone to rub HOJO's belly

charlie knighton
10-30-2011, 9:10 PM
the proofs came in, ok'ed titles for turnings, looks pretty good, amazing the way these things come together

name of mag In Frame will come out sometime in january