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View Full Version : A Beautiful Feather in a Maple Fruit Bowl

Bob Bergstrom
10-21-2011, 6:07 PM
I don't think I would ever cover this feather with anything and may look better upside down. It measures 9 1/2" across and about 5 1/2" deep. It was quite challenging to turn the inside. I could not get a curve tool rest into the bowl and my straight one left me with about 3" of overhang. After a couple catches and some very light scraping with a 1 1/2" scraper I did get it the bottom clean with no tear in the feather. Finish is 3 coats of Forby's tung oil and a couple coats of lacquer. Beading was done with a 3/8" spindle gouge.

John Spitters
10-21-2011, 6:09 PM
Now that's a "nice" bowl. well done

Marty Eargle
10-21-2011, 6:20 PM
Beautiful bowl. Beautiful.

I think a nice, steady, solid form compliments the grain of that wood perfectly...but I doubt you could have gone wrong with that wood. I also really like the treatment you put on the foot...simple but goes with the rest of the bowl very well.

David E Keller
10-21-2011, 6:46 PM
Love that feather! Great looking bowl!

Russell Eaton
10-21-2011, 6:49 PM
Bob that is a smokin' bowl, love the feather.

Bernie Weishapl
10-21-2011, 7:03 PM
Beautiful bowl Bob. The back side reminds me of a flowing wheat field.

Steve Kubien
10-21-2011, 7:10 PM
This splendid. Ya, the wood is gorgeous but the form is what draws me to this. I wonder what effect an inward sloping rim would have?

Very, very well.

Steve bellinger
10-21-2011, 7:16 PM
now that's one sharp looking bowl.

Marc Himes
10-21-2011, 7:21 PM
Very nice figure and form I can see what you mean about it looking so neat upside down. Beautiful piece.

Scott Hackler
10-21-2011, 7:47 PM
Beautiful wood indeed!

Joe Meirhaeghe
10-21-2011, 8:04 PM
I agree with Bernie. Looks like a wheat field. Maybe that's just the farm boy in me coming out. Don't take this wrong but I have to say bottoms up on this one.
Great find on that piece of wood.

Bill Bolen
10-21-2011, 8:09 PM
Spectacular piece of wood and with a form that shows it well too.

Steve Vaughan
10-21-2011, 9:58 PM
Yep, that's bee-U-tiful grain right there. So, if it is bottom's up to show that grain, it could just be a cover of some type. Either way, it's gorgeous!

Baxter Smith
10-21-2011, 10:03 PM
Great wood and a great shape. Thats about as good as it gets!

Michelle Rich
10-22-2011, 6:21 AM
stunning wood..I like the big bold round shape

Keith E Byrd
10-22-2011, 6:28 AM
Very nice - great wood, shape and really like the beading - esp on the foot

John Keeton
10-22-2011, 6:47 AM
Another very clean and well done bowl, Bob. You do some finely executed beadwork, too. But, I am afraid this piece of wood has put your work in the shadow;) - absolutely a beautiful piece of maple!!

Curt Fuller
10-22-2011, 10:58 AM
What a beautiful bowl!

Kathy Marshall
10-22-2011, 1:13 PM
Beautiful bowl Bob! That wood is just gorgeous and you turned an excellent bowl to show it! Love the very fine, well done beading too!

Nathan Hawkes
10-22-2011, 7:52 PM
You really nailed the form, and beautiful wood. The shape is perfect, and the beads well executed. Nice job!

Bob Bergstrom
10-22-2011, 8:46 PM
Thanks everyone. It is a beautiful piece of wood. For those who wonder about why the curve looks so good. The bottom of the curve goes completely through the bowl. As the curve rises up the side of the bowl it tightens slightly, until about that 2/3rds. area. then it curves back toward the center. If the tighter part of the curve was more centered it wouldn't look as good. I have a feeling I won't be able to sell it once my daughter gets a look at it.:D:D