View Full Version : finishing dilemma

Eric Gourieux
10-19-2011, 9:11 PM
This pecan HF has a defect from an insect infestation. The edges of the defect are thin and sharp. I've applied Minwax Antique Oil Finish. I will usually follow this with the Beale system or lacquer, then buff. I'm concerned about buffing this, because of the sharp edges of the defect. Any suggestions on my next step in finishing?210629210628210627

Scott Hackler
10-19-2011, 9:19 PM
I would think that you'll be OK as long as you use light pressure while holding it up to the buffing wheels.

Tom Wilson66
10-19-2011, 9:45 PM
YOu might use some fine sandpaper on the end of your finger to "break" the sharp edges of the holes. This would mean applying some more finish on the areas sanded, and waiting for that to dry again before buffing, This, with light pressure during the buffing, should keep the edges from breaking off during the buffing, and would feel better, also.

John Keeton
10-19-2011, 10:07 PM
Eric, I don't think you would have any issues with light buffing as Scott indicated. I would be more concerned about losing the NE bark on the inside area.

Bernie Weishapl
10-19-2011, 11:53 PM
I would give it another coat of finish and skip the buffing. Like John I would be afraid of losing the bark.

Jon McElwain
10-20-2011, 2:26 AM
I recently picked up a fruit bowl that I made about a year ago. It had some worm holes as well. What I noticed was around the edges of one of the the holes, the wood had started to blacken. To my knowledge, the bowl has not been wet other than a lightly damp cloth to wipe it out, however, the hole was showing some new signs of mildew or something. I would recommend that you seal all the wood surfaces within the insect holes to avoid a similar predicament.

Michelle Rich
10-20-2011, 6:49 AM
I personally would buff & avoid the rim area. then I would take a soft cloth and very gently VERY GENTLY buff by hand, or with extreme caution sneak up on the rim area... I would not want to lose the NE at this stage. Better it be a tad dull, than pieces across the room.

Thomas Canfield
10-20-2011, 9:43 PM
I have done several natural edge with worm hole Pecan similar. I used multiple coats of wipe on/off polyurethane varnish/danish oil mix and buffed with tripoli between coats. Light buffing on the outside with wheels and inside using bowl buffs or small wheels (smaller diameter than opening) and did not have any real trouble. The multiple coats of finish seemed to add some body to the bark. You can also coat the bark with CA.