View Full Version : Does anyone subscribe to American Period Furniture?

Bill Bukovec
10-19-2011, 8:57 PM
Does anyone subscribe to American Period Furniture?

Or belong to the Society of American Period Furniture Makers?

It looks like they have one issue per year and was wondering if it's worth the $35.00. The issues are $27.00 if you spend the $45 for membership.

Also, if anyone knows a source for used issues, please let me know.



Roger Myers
10-19-2011, 10:11 PM
It is not really a subscription but rather a journal that all members get as part of their membership. I have belonged to SAPFM for several years and feel it is worth every penny. The journal is very high quality and I highly recommend it, but there are also other membership benefits as well. Also many regional chapters, some more active than others.
Also, back issues are available from SAPFM. Website is www.sapfm.org

Tony Joyce
10-19-2011, 10:45 PM
Like Roger I feel like the membership fee is well worth the money. You get the journal, once a year, the articles are written by members. The meetings are very insightful and educational. Also access to the forum where there are some very knowledgeable members, and all are very willing to share their knowledge.

Patrick McCarthy
10-21-2011, 9:47 AM
I have belonged for approx 5 years and worth every cent. The quality of the pieces shown is a worthy goal . . . . . but don't know how long it is going to take me to get there, but I am gonna try!

mike holden
10-21-2011, 10:37 AM
see that you are in Minnesota. Contact Mike Siemsen at the Mike Siemsen School of Woodworking and ask when the next SAPFM meeting is. Attend and find out what SAPFM is all about. The yearly journal is just the icing, its the local meets and access to info on period furniture, and the help that makes it worthwhile.

Ed Griner
10-21-2011, 11:02 AM
If your a period furniture person SAPFM is where the best in the country hang out,none better. Ed