View Full Version : Help on Cabinet Door Latch

john lawson
10-18-2011, 7:15 PM
210534210535Here is the situation. I have to build a wall of 10' maple ply that is to be painted. Included in this "wall" are mitered corners and then a turn into the kitchen where it includes the refrigerator and overhead cabinets. All the cabinet doors are to be inset. The pieces of ply can't be pocket screwed, the cutouts have to come out of the ply via a perfect plunge cut. To accomplish this I bought a Dewalt track saw, planning that once I edged the doors I could tweak them onsite. So far it has worked great, maybe too good!

The specific problem is on a corner that requires a 45 degree miter door that creates half the corner. I knew it would be difficult and spent a lot of time making it exactly to dimension. The door was to get some kind of pull or knob. The homeowner took one look at it and said that she loved it but a pull would ruin the clean look. (my plan was to use magnet to hold it closed along with the knob shown on the drawing). She now wants no visible hardware. I would use a "push to latch or open" type of hardware but the way the door closes, imagine two 45 degree miters that fit, there is no room for a "push". I built it exactly as the plan called for and it works perfectly, but she does not want a pull or knob.

I have spent the last several hours trying to find something that would work with the touch of the hand or something like that (shorting a circuit etc.) but so far no luck. Now she wants something similar on all the inset doors over the fridge. These are also ply and I wanted to use the top and bottom of the cabinet to hold the doors straight (afraid of warping).

I would appreciate it if anyone knows of hardware to do this, or some simple idea that would allow this to work. I have spent many hours on this job and I can't imagine having to take the door out. But I don't want to disappoint a nice lady and good customer.
