View Full Version : It isn't round, but was created on a lathe.

Jack Mincey
10-18-2011, 5:45 PM
One of my students wanted to see how one goes about turning a square bowl they had seen on the net so I did this one for a demo for the class. It is the first square bowl I've turned but wasn't much different from the Tea Light holder I made last month, just on a bigger scale. It is finished with lacquer but not buffed yet. 8" square and about 3" deep. . I will let everyone guess what wood it is made from.

Roger Chandler
10-18-2011, 6:04 PM
nice bowl, Jack................my guess would be walnut.

John Keeton
10-18-2011, 7:57 PM
Great looking bowl, Jack!! Walnut would be my pick, but I am guessing that is too obvious - so, I am at a loss.

Bernie Weishapl
10-18-2011, 9:44 PM
Really nice bowl Jack for a first. Well done. I am like John. Walnut is to obvious.

Scott Hackler
10-18-2011, 11:08 PM
Real nice Jack. I like that form!

Marty Eargle
10-18-2011, 11:17 PM
That's a nice looking piece and some beautiful wood. Looks much nicer than the only square bowl I've ever attempted...it it was the second thing I ever turned on a lathe.

My question is...where is the blood from your knuckles that is suppose to be on the corners? Isn't that part of the design? :)

Jack Mincey
10-19-2011, 6:20 AM
Thanks for the compliments everyone. No blood from this bowl, but one does have to pay attention to where there hand is for sure. No one is close on the wood as of yet. I'm going to let that mystery go for a little longer.
Thanks again,

Tom Winship
10-19-2011, 9:13 AM
Beautiful bowl, Jack. I'm guessing Brazilian Monkey Tree Vine. (Is there such)
Seriously, mesquite?

Paul Heely
10-19-2011, 10:06 AM
Great looking bowl. Is it red gum finished to look like walnut?

Jack Mincey
10-19-2011, 5:35 PM
Thanks again for all the compliments. I didn't have any hardwood boards in my school shop when the students wanted to see a square bowl turned so I cut a square of a 4" x 8" length of Western Cedar I had in the shop for the demo. It turned easy but was a pain to control the tear out on the end grain. Seeing how it looks with lacquer, I think that the rest of this board is headed for the lathe.
Thanks again,
Jack Mincey

Baxter Smith
10-19-2011, 8:32 PM
Pretty piece Jack. Thanks for posting it!