View Full Version : Alder hollowform with finial

John Spitters
10-17-2011, 7:19 PM
Measures 6 1/2"w x 7"h to tip of finial.
Finial is ebonized ironwood

Not the best pics as I still need to set up a photo tent
C & C welcome as I am still learning.

I should add that the pyro work is a first for me.


Harry Robinette
10-17-2011, 7:34 PM
Really nice HF I love the shape and the texture. The area between the finial and the texture seams a little heavy to me. But it a really beautiful piece.

Bernie Weishapl
10-17-2011, 7:37 PM
That is a nice HF. Really nice texturing/burning. Finial looks good maybe a little thinner.

Dale Miner
10-17-2011, 7:38 PM
Hi John,

This is a nice piece. There are a couple nits to be picked, but the overall visual impact is very good. Good go on the pyro.


Wally Dickerman
10-17-2011, 8:08 PM
Very good form. Finial is just right. I like it.

David DeCristoforo
10-17-2011, 8:12 PM
Now that is nice! Anyone who want's to can nit pick away but that is one fine looking piece!

Baxter Smith
10-17-2011, 8:15 PM
Very nice combo of colors and basic design John. JMO but the size of the finial competes with the form a bit and the top curve on the hf doesn't quite flow into the base of the finial as well as it could(or vice versa). Overall a very nice effect though!

charlie knighton
10-17-2011, 8:17 PM
very nice, good pyro

David E Keller
10-17-2011, 8:20 PM
Beautiful work, John! Every form I've done could be tweaked a little here and there, but that's part of the fun! We're all still learning! Great job!

Sid Matheny
10-17-2011, 8:24 PM
I don't see anything on this one not to like! Great job.


John Spitters
10-17-2011, 8:36 PM
David D. & Wally
It means a lot to hear this from you "thanks"

This wood though was still a bit wet since I cut up the tree just this past friday, it was a dead standing tree though. But because of this it moved yet a bit after hollowing and if you look at the fit of the finial base you can see that it's a bit loose since the opening had gone oval on me.
Finish is just two coats of w.o.p.

Maybe one day I will be able to sketch out a piece before the wood hits the lathe, but for now I just put the piece on the lathe and see what comes out of it.
Thanks all for the positive remarks, and any negative ones as well since I'm still learning.

Jim Burr
10-17-2011, 8:40 PM
Don't know anyone here that knows it all John...you're moving up the learning curve real well. Great looking piece...I gotta do finials like that!

Scott Hackler
10-17-2011, 8:51 PM
John that is a very nice piece. I like the pyro on this one and it matches the finial very well. The only small tweak might be to have put some india ink or leather dye on the pyro and black it out completely. Either way though, this is one to be proud of.

John Keeton
10-17-2011, 8:56 PM
John, I find this one very appealing and well done. Everyone has a somewhat different "eye" when it comes to proportions, and on this piece, I think the break with the "collar" area works better perhaps than flowing it into the finial. The height of the finial seems OK to me, though were it mine the finial would have been shorter and more delicate - but, that is my taste, not yours. I would add a couple of comments - on the finial, the bead and onion seem a little large in proportion to the cove base, and I think the pyro would look better with a defined groove setting it apart from the surrounding areas. Small items, though. You did well here, and should be very proud of this one!

Jamie Donaldson
10-17-2011, 8:57 PM
I have just a few suggestions John, regarding the flow of the profile from the vessel into and up the finial. The vessel and pyro are excellent, but the line changes direction at the junction of the top into the finial. The finial base cove is nice and thin, then thickens back out into the onion area. I don't think the bead below the onion is necessary, and by removing that element the height of the finial would be better proportioned to the vessel. These are small details, but such refinements can make the difference between a nice piece and a gallery quality piece. As you turn more pieces with finials, make several different finial designs, and I use hard maple and black leather dye for samples, and see how different designs and sizes fit differently on and change the personality of other vessel forms.

Michelle Rich
10-18-2011, 6:13 AM
I always hesitate to comment on tiny proportion issues from pictures. My camera gets stuff out of proportion, so I know that & how one takes the shot, can make the proportions out of whack. My only suggestion is to give a good clean edge between the pyro & the wood. This being your first pyro work, I think you did a fine job of it. Keep turning, growing & sharing

Donny Lawson
10-18-2011, 6:43 AM
I think its an excellent job on the whole piece. I would jump up and down if I made something like that. I've not made a piece like it. I guess HF's are not really my thing but I do enjoy looking and reading the comments from others here. I've never made a finial myself. It looks a little brittle.,and I would probally get angry if it was about finished and it broke. Someday I might try one. Yours looks awesome though. thanks for sharing.