View Full Version : Maple HF

Josh Bowman
10-17-2011, 12:58 PM
This is a Maple HF from some "firewood" that was given to me. I decided to try some dyeing on this one. Unfortunately it cracked during the donut chuck part of its journey. Thanks to Steve S. I was able to salvage it. Sometimes I look at the dye job and thing Wow! Other times I look at it and think it's just ok. The form is about 7" by 3". What do you think? Oh, forgot to add, the finish is lacquer. Also the camera angle is kind of funky, so I added another shot to show the profile.

Jim Burr
10-17-2011, 1:10 PM
Dude!!! Love firewood!!! Maybe a little color on the inside? Base looks kinda flat, but that could be the camera angle too. Very well colored!

John Keeton
10-17-2011, 1:50 PM
Josh, I think you should be very pleased with the dye work!! On the inside, the natural color (from what I see) seems compatible with the remaining tones of the dyed piece, however, it might look better were it dark. I think that may make the colors on the surface pop a little. On the form, it appears the largest diameter is at the 1/3 point, but the "belly" of the form is a little heavy to me. Might lift it a little were it to curve in more as Jim notes, and have a smaller base.

charlie knighton
10-17-2011, 5:17 PM
seems this is a learning piece, and as that you have accomplished a lot

Baxter Smith
10-17-2011, 7:24 PM
To be honest, I don't know what to think either!:) Having just tried dye for the first time, about the only thing I am sure of is that you end up with something different, and that you learn something from doing it.
I have liked the bowls Kathy Marshal has posted where the outside is dyed and the inside is natural. With this HF, what stands out to me is just a small light hole in the middle. As John said, a dark inside might allow your eye to focus on just the outside.

Jamie Donaldson
10-17-2011, 7:58 PM
Black gesso makes a really nice matte interior finish, and you don't even have to final sand below about 220 as it covers very well.

Joe Watson
10-18-2011, 1:23 AM
That third image is great, it looks like something the "weather man" would show when a hellashish storm is coming.

Kathy Marshall
10-18-2011, 1:57 AM
Very cool dye job! I'm with Joe, pic 3 looks like a satelite image of some freaky weather!

Paul Heely
10-18-2011, 6:02 AM
The finish you put on this is great. It really brings out the figure, and what looks like a little bit of feather in the wood. Nice job.

Bernie Weishapl
10-18-2011, 10:44 AM
Really nice HF and color looks good. I agree with the dark interior.