View Full Version : couple for our club chalenge.

Jack Mincey
10-16-2011, 8:24 PM
Our club started having a chalenge for each meeting a few months back. The chalenge was to make a tea light or candle holder last month. These are what I made for the chalenge. I wish the design was mine, but as most things in turning they are simply a copy of something I had seen before.
Thanks for looking,
Jack Mincey
I flocked the bottom of the candle holders so they wouldn't scratch furniture. I've used a dry fly
as my trade mark for 18 years, of coarse I started using it when I made and sold trout nets for the
Orvis store I work out of as a fishing guide. I've had a lot of practice over the years sitting through
meetings that I wasn't really interested in, so I would draw trout flies to pass the time.

Richard Allen
10-16-2011, 9:02 PM
Rude Osolink made thousands of those candle sticks to put his kids through college. Rude explained that the negative space is a curve. He also made the narrow part of the stem much thinner. Rude passed away 10 years ago but there is a web site where you can read about Rude and see some of his work. Rude was very generous with is time and knowledge, more than willing to share what he learned over his lifetime with those willing to spend time with him. There is even a short video of making one of those candle sticks.

Bernie Weishapl
10-16-2011, 9:31 PM
Jack those and the Tee lights are nicely done.

Scott Hackler
10-16-2011, 9:36 PM
Nice. I like both.

John M. Smith
10-16-2011, 9:38 PM
Both are nice. But I really like the the short ones.

David E Keller
10-16-2011, 10:18 PM
Nicely done! Rude's candlestick design I'd my all time favorite, and you've done a heck of with this set!

John Keeton
10-17-2011, 7:37 AM
Well done, Jack! The candlesticks are a classic, and I like the smaller tea lights, as well - walnut, I presume?

Tim Rinehart
10-17-2011, 9:03 AM
ditto...beautiful rendition of Rude's work, and the tea light stands are knockouts. I dare not show LOML...I'd be up to my ears in these things if she sees them!

Norm Zax
10-17-2011, 9:55 AM
Elegant sticks! Is that flocking or felt circles glued to the bottom?
[flocking is on my to-do list, but its a crowded one]

Jim Burr
10-17-2011, 10:18 AM
Beautiful work Jack!! Both are very well executed and finished.

charlie knighton
10-17-2011, 10:57 AM
great pieces, thanks for sharing, do you still fish?

Jack Mincey
10-17-2011, 4:47 PM
Thanks everyone, they were fun to make and I hope to use some of what I learned from the tea lights for the bottom of a bowl some day. Norm, the bottoms of the candle sticks are flocked. Charlie, I still guide 20 or 30 trips a year and fish on my own when I ever find the time. My son is 8 years old and enjoys fishing with me which is my best trips for sure. He is doing very well catching fish with a flyrod which is even better for me.

Baxter Smith
10-17-2011, 7:35 PM
Nice work Jack. Very pretty maple in those!